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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. if you angle heaters they heat across a bigger surface area so are more efficent

    stops thermal layers to some extents and because of both of these switch on and off less so theorectically last longer.

    still waiting for video of the :wink: shimmy :wink:

  2. turn over isnt the be all and end all. It works well for mechanical filtartion but not chemical biological filtration.

    In a planted tank with sump you would only be looking perhaps for lower turn over anyway.

    In that case the sump then comes with benifits of volume, extra media, no accessories like heaters and the like in the tank

    even your CO2 can go inline or in sump

    But for a tank that size why filter at all go filterless and let your thermaclines move your water.

    then you can just do water changes and add chemicals and light as you need

    money you save can be used for nice plants and fishes

  3. canister = expensive all in one comes with pluming need a few

    sump= can be done cheap, hides a lot of stuff, can over engineer, can flood

    I like sumps as increases "volume" can hide all teh misc. stuff and you can "mix and match" your outcomes a lot more.

    rememeber that mechanical filtration requires high volumes of turnover biological and SOME chemical filtration requires low volume turnover

    CO2 can be put inline in either and have seen some nice reactors of late that woudl work either/or

    Convert your 3 foot into a sump run canister on sump and have low volume sump to tank turnover

    in effect giving you an 8 ft tank which gives you more chemical stability.a

    light the sump and plant the bejessus out of it and use it as a refuge for or add a denytrifing coil and dont.

    Lots of options

  4. so the perv in me ( seeing how that is how this thread was taken over) says ...oh i dont know would quite like to see the shimmy? :roll: :dunno: :wink:

    the fisho says Moya...get it right up front. get it as level as you can and do it once if you can.

    the fisho also says we have heard a lot about what you should keep...but what were you thinking about when you wanted to set it up Moya? I mean you have mentioned discus and rainbows but still leaves a lot of room....not sure I would put rainbows with flat fish tho?

  5. Next time get him/her to sit still when you put your tattoo on so that it is straight

    might be due to ambiant humidity? causing skin to dry therefore look raised

    or is it like this all the time?

    Some animals that lack pigiment also have different skin textures so it could be pigment related?


  6. I brought some lengths of bamboo from the warehouse it it works well for cave spawning fish

    about $5 a length I think and I got 6-8 caves out of each length I just drilled a small hole at the "closed end" to allow it to sink faster and so a small amount of water can flow thru

    has an internnal dia of 30-50 mm depending on piece selected

  7. I Really disagree with some of these comments

    You get out what you put in

    research the breed or mix of breeds first

    jacks are made to stand and bark and fight if they have to

    Foxies go to ground along with dachs and some of the other breeds you have described

    no bad breeds just bad owners

    any dog will be like an extra child.

    you need to feed and toilet it meet its needs excersie it and give it boundries

    Just like and extra child

    you can view some of my experience here


    happy to help if you want to give me a PM

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