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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. and good point re daltons a bag would cover most of your tank

    sand is to seal it in but you may still get a white cloud/film for first few weeks

    little gravel is to allow plant roots to snuggle into and dig down into that rich mulm that with time will build up in tank substrate base

    plant roots find it hard to move around big boulder type 4-5-7 mm gravel so like that smaller stuff

    also you can get more range so can use base to help alter...slightly ...the pH of water but more importatntly the pH of the gravel and therefore taylor that to your plants likes. As most gravel the colour can detirmine the pH but colour doesnt really matter to us (as you hope) that most of the gravel will be plant infested

    i have used under gravel heating in a couple of tanks...it helps ...but not sure to the extent that it is worth the trouble.

    In saying that I have seen a room heated with undertank (yes undertank) cable and that worked VERY well


  2. have seen lighting done all sorts of ways

    and you get what you pays for

    I have always used old style lights mostly cause that is what I know and can afford but if you have "new" stuff it can be done and done well

    not sure I would bodgy something up...might import it...but mostly cause I wouls spark myself accross the room if I tried to do something like that

    with teh dollar high I woudllook at some cool things like Si brought in or talk to specialist light place

    oh and you may need to think about 2 types of light

    one to grow with

    one to watch with

    depends on where tank is tho

  3. my fry tank is a stolen idea but it is 1200x 45 x45 and it has a sheet of glass runing length ways end to end 100mm in from the back wall this houses the heater and the filtration. the glass is fixed at each end tank floor to tank top.

    the tank is then devided into four length ways and these deviders are glued top to bottom but not along the floor of the tank. this allows for water movement between all 5 chambers

    I can grade and grow out many fish in this set up vacum one or more chambers or house adult fish within reason if i have to

    you can do the same with movable deviders if you wish



  4. Lace monitors have been here in Zoos before

    But when the pair that were here died they were not replaced

    much like the varieties of shingle backs and a few other bits and pieces

    so if they have been in containment in the past maybe no impact reported needed as they were here and an existing orgainism prior to the 90s

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