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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. yeah I have workd my sumps as a minimum of 10% of the tank.

    but if it is bigger say as big as you can fit in your stand you can have all your "workings" at one end and use teh rest to hold other things like fry or plants.

    The benifit is you have a bigger water volume so more stable chemistry and you are kind of running 2 tansk in one

    Also makes water changes much easier


  2. Goldheads aroun 100mm now

    some with mask some without..depends on mood

    have just recovered them from my old office so they are in need of TLC...a work in progress as filter had carked it and had only been getting a feed or 2 a week

    all still alive tho so back into a conditioning program

    will post pics next time I have camera in room

    Black fins and red fins are also a work in progress and I would dearly love more of them as I lost so many in the last lot of quakes.....actually the December quake was the worst for me....didnt loose too many tanks only 4 or 5 but lost a lot of fish as fault was on my back door

    so time to start looking for more fish...lol

  3. That can work or a credit style card?

    anything firm thin and flexable

    if you miss this lot start conditioning your fry area now...I cant stress being prepaired for these guys enough as they will graze excessively but are lazy feeders...if that makes sense...they are great fish and we need to get these guys out there as amazing in a tank

    Nav...oh and happy to help

  4. My experience is that dad wont help and that they hatch about day 7-8

    you wont syphon them so easily as they like the folks are long and stiff so they break

    also eggs are sticky little things so try a low water level for sure but best I found was scraping them with a razor blade not a baster or pipette

    they are VERY lazy eaters and will NOT move to food so food needs to go to them

    spirilena (sp) is fine but can be toxic in high quanties so I have found very dirty glass to be best bet.

    you can brush and bake egg yold on to rocks ( thanks Geoff for this advice)

    My guys go in a small well cycled tank with good filtration and HEAPS of food


  5. So dependig on how old those eggs are they dont look fertile

    easy to spawn...my pair go every month or so.

    fry are free swimming after about 5-7 days and survive on egg sack for another day or so

    after that is where things turn a variety of shapes but mostly pear

    I would suggest that once you see that the eggs are fertile that you use a razor blade etc to scrape them off the glass and into a tumbler. I usually place the tumbler in a very well aged tank

    This tank has a good layer of mulm on the bottom and a simple sponge filter on low whilst tumbling

    once the eggs hatch I turn tumbler off and crank up the sponge

    they fry are VERY lazy and you suffer a lot of loss

    most google searchs suggest that between 2-4 weeks is the critical time and I have to agree

    Good luck with yours and happy to help if you need it


  6. well I cant remember to be honest might have been chinese water dragons...or banded somethings

    when all those iggies where in containment at AZG there were deffinately 2 types of animal in the enclosure one was a green iggie and the other the same only different...had bands...wish I could find my fotos...sorry for the vagueness but I am getting old

    but then there have also been frilled lizards, lace monitors and 3 types of shingle backs here but who knows where they are now

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