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Everything posted by snookie

  1. will depend on weight bro
  2. ask lfs too pack them for you if unsure
  3. fyi 8) http://bluejax.co.uk/default.aspx
  4. Has anyone been to HFF latley ?
  5. how big is new blue dempsey ?
  6. Im looking for Gold Saum any ideas ? 8)
  7. when i was a kid i caught minnows and sticklebacks
  8. it helps if they go to schools 8)
  9. just hose it down , dry in the sun it will be sweet as
  10. i have 2 bichirs ,a sen and ornate i also had a small dat in with them ,Dat vanished over night 8)
  11. yes they are the ones :lol: ,unable to set up own tank see how they go again ,would love to be part of breeding these guys and making them more available here in N.Z
  12. snookie


    looks like a giant gourami ,im from england too , welcome
  13. lip locking ,and dancing again
  14. as other knifes grow much bigger
  15. condom fish tank , sad very sad http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... blogid=153
  16. be careful aro may scrape him self if spooked
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