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Posts posted by Aaron-Betta

  1. i have trouble with the breeding time, do you know what time do fighter usually breed? arond 8pm? coz mine always breed at 5am in the morning. many thanks :D

    They usually breed at sun up. I used to let my pairs go together in the evenings, and in the morning or sometimes as late as 10am they would be spawning.


    that would have to be one of the most irritating things anyone can do, grr makes me soooo angry. dont people follow/understand the road rules?!!

    I think it has something to do with peoples perceptions of the roundabout road rules. If I am going straight through, I'll indicate left after the middle of the roundabout to indicate to the people coming the opposite way that I am getting off the roundabout before passing them.

    I don't actually know the "exact" rules, something along the lines of indicate onto the roundabout, then indicate off or something?

  3. I brought 20x 2.4m long 40x40 3mm box section second hand for $200 and welded this up one saturday afternoon with my dad.



    Definitely have to factor in the cost of welding rods and powerbill from the arc welding, a certed welder and welding gear etc.

    Maybe finding a welder who could weld it up for you, but asking them what they recommend for it and shop around a bit. See if you can find some second hand steel or something and make it a bit cheaper than buying brand new steel.

  4. Philip Shaddock was the guy who created them. Here's a snippet of what he has said about them on Guppy Designer.

    "I have been creating a transparent guppy by crossing an albino blau X glass belly guppy. The homozygous albino blau fails in the production of black, red and yellow color. The glass belly guppy fails in the production of iridophores in most of the body, with the exception of the fins. The resulting guppy has visible internal organs and you can see the blood. I have to take a picture.

    The new strain appears to be more delicate than normal guppies. I have a female that was very weak, and I regularly change the water. The young females have transparent bellies so you can see whether they are carrying eggs or young. So far all I have seen are eggs. So the single male must be infertile."

    "you see the organs and the blood, especially around the gills where oxygen exchange is occuring. You clearly see the blood vessel traveling along the spine to the back of the body and the heart and brain. You can see food passing through their gut. And when they have a bacterial infection...like that weak female, you see the inflammation in the body. But the most useful aspect is that you can see the eggs and developing fry. That's why I think the two females I have have not been fertilized by the male. The eggs have not developed. Normally with glass belly pandas I can see the fry curled up and their black eyes. So it is easy to for me to set up a female who is about to drop. "

    "Yes, the strain has proven to be more hardy and fertile than I expected. I guess I was just prejudiced to believe they would be fragile. The female shown is actually close to giving birth. But because the eyes have no black color, it is difficult to see that the fry are full grown. My first batch of fry are a month old and they eat like hogs.

    They are going to be useful in my genetics studies because the major classes of color cells are affected. Interesting enough there appears to be some yellow color cells at the base of the peduncle and in the head. They should not be there. "

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