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Posts posted by Aaron-Betta

  1. Hi all,

    While i was 'yeasting' my microworm cultures, I accidentally knocked the "bread maker yeast" over and spilt about 1/4 of a 120g container in a 27L tank. In a rush and worried, I fished out most of the fish and put them in a bucket, drained about 80% of the tank water and refilled 50% from another tank and 30% new water. I haven't put the fish back in the tank as yet, but there is still my harahara cat and a dwarf rasbora in there. I have the filter and an airstone in there still, trying to filter it out and clear the water.

    Have I done all I could to save the tank, fish and filter? or am I looking at the tank crashing over the next few days? Is there anything else I can do to help the situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. Thanks for posting up this link. Made for interesting reading once I did a bit of research on it. :smln:

    I am thinking now of trying this out on my spare tank so I can put my new fighter pair in there.

    My question's are, where do you get suitable foam for it? Do you need the PORET foam or any foam?

  3. I am not trying to cause an argument either but I wouldn't class a strain as pure after only two generations and i certainly wouldn't use the word "resembling" in my definition.

    eg I could cross two separate species of Aulonocara and get all the offspring to "resemble the parents" but they would be far from a "pure strain"

    Ok, maybe a bad choice of words to try and communicate what I mean. Say my blue black moscows for instance, they were selectively bred over seas until the strain was fixed, then mass bred and exported around the world. I picked up two pairs here when they first became avaliable and bred them in two seperate lines producing only blue black moscows each drop. I am now up to my fourth generation on each line, still only throwing blue blacks. I am confident in my fifth generation where I outcross by swapping my line one females with my line two females will still produce pure blue blacks.

  4. Not trying to start an argument or anything, but how do you define a "pure strain"?

    Say guppies for instance, you can selectively breed to achieve, as I described, offspring that look like the parents and grandparents etc with same colours, body markings, shape etc. which is what I would describe as breeding pure (no random throwbacks etc) which is when the strain is "fixed"

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