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Everything posted by Foxglove
:dunno: Yes Ira, it is, if as in my case, you were a whirlpool of teenage hormones when you were supposed to be studying. I ended up with white fluffy clouds where the maths info should be. :roll: Luckily I can use the calculator...
The dwarf corys have bred many times - I started with nine and have counted over twenty at times. :happy2: They did most breeding in the small two footer, completely filled with Java moss and driftwood, and no other fish in there. I never saw them, but the numbers grew steadily! :love: Bandit corys do come in from time to time - also there is a local breeder supplying Hutt Pets (oops, now The Pet Centre). However, they are very shy cats and most people don't ever see them once they go in the tank. If you want corys to watch, go for a less shy one! :oops: I had them once before and couldn't stand the fact they stayed at the back from month to month. I'd never see mine now if I didn't sit very still and further back (and have the dithers). Forgot to say I do have one tail-spot cory (C. Caudimaculatus) that hangs out with the pandas. I got two (all the shop had) and one died. I'd love to find more. At least it won't cross-breed with the pandas, according to my book. :dunno:
Hiya, I only run two tanks at the moment. One is a wide three footer (159ltr), which has a real mix of dwarf South American fish - panda and pygmy corys, rocket and golden pencils and possibly only two steel blue cichlids. I did have ember tetras in there, but moved them to the other tank to be dithers. The second tank is 60 x30 x30 and has 5 bandit corys (Corydorus metae) and the four embers. I will be adding more embers as money allows. I had plans to add another pair of dwarf cichlids too, but may just go with a larger school of embers. Trouble is, they don;t seem to be very hardy. I've bought about 20, but left with four. I think the shy corys really like both plenty of cover, and also some other fish to make them feel safe.
They certainly don't catch the mozzie larvae as fast but they certainly get in there for both decap brine shrimp and also microworms - there has to be enough for some to get past the dither fish though!
I added some ember tetras to a small tank with very shy bandit corys - and now my bandits actually come out and play. :happy1: I also plan to move my two golden pencilfish over to that tank too - they are great dither fish for corys and go well in the tank with my panda and pygmy corys. The little pygmies like to swim with the golden pencils and pretend they are big fish too! I also have had rasboras - harlequins and they worked well as dithers and looked fantastic. I may try the smaller galaxy ones one day...
The loaches, corydora & oto tank - movies from page 11
Foxglove replied to Sophia's topic in Freshwater
Please don't diss those sponge filters. For dwarf cories they are great - the fry are in no danger and all enjoy eating off them. In time, as Zev said, the plants will hide the filter and it will still be functioning beautifully. :love: -
The loaches, corydora & oto tank - movies from page 11
Foxglove replied to Sophia's topic in Freshwater
:bounce: Great tank! I'm sure the fish will be very happy, especially as the plants settle in and grow. Nice selection of them, too! I'm so jealous of your camera! I tried taking pics tonight but I only have blurs for fish. It will be another day or two before I figure out how to resize tank photo. -
ah, but do I have a pair? that's the trouble. :dunno: Their tank is so heavily planted that I can't see. I will have to completely restructure the tank to see, and to shift some fish about. :tears: I'll recharge batteries and take photos tonight.
Or maybe we could do a roadtrip :happy1: out to Whangavegas an get sand in my boot, then visit fishy people! I like the black sand to and may be setting up another tank... Possibly Africans again. Glen's cuckoo synos with sunshine peacocks look awesome! :bounce: :bounce:
Does anyone have steel blue apistos in good condition anymore? I have got a few an mostly males. I did have six, but only see two regularly in their dutch- style full planted tank.One female died in another tank before I got a male in for her. I'd like to see if I can add a female or two - do they need more than one female per male? - the dominant one I see chasing alot and haven't seen the other female in ages. Any advice would be good.I can separate them into two tanks too. Cheers :bounce:
You're Welcome! They are great little creatures and I love pygmys shoaling mid-level with the pandas skimming above and below. Mosquito larvae went in and they all got buzzed with the fresh food. :nilly: :happy2:
Hi, according to my book - "a Complete Introduction to Corydoras" (by Dr Warren E. Burgess) there have been some attempts to break corydoras into four Species groups: Punctatus, Barbatus, Aeneus, Elegans and Acutus. They don't readily hybridise between these groups, but do within them. Habrosus corys are in the Aeneus group. Hastatus and Pygmaeus are both in the Elegans group, so will inter-breed. I hope that helps. I have pygmy corys in one tank with panda corys, (diff groups!) and metae ( bandits) in another.
... you could come along to ours! :bounce: :bounce: Only a short drive over the hill and we'll give you a reviving cuppa. :lol: Obviously not so great in Winter but at this time of year it's a lovely drive.
Upper Hutt Aquarium Society will meet on Wednesday 10th November, at the Citizens Advice Bureau, Logan Street. (a Brick house opposite the Cossie Club!) Meeting starts at 7.30pm. The room will be open from 7.15pm This month - the fish of Oman. Darren will present a data show about his tour of Oman's waters and the fish he found there. Please come along! :bounce: :bounce: The club meetings are informal and everyone is welcome. See you there, Hellen (Co- Secretary and Treasurer).
October meeting this Wednesday (13th) night. 7.30pm Start. Chris Downs will talk on tropical fish food. all welcome! :bounce: :bounce: Hellen T
Upper Hutt Aquarium Society will meet on Wednesday 11th August, at the Citizens Advice Bureau, Logan Street. (a Brick house opposite the Cossie Club!) Meeting starts at 7.30pm. The room will be open from 7.15pm This month there will be a discussion on Rift Lake African cichlids followed by a dvd (probably "Jewel of the Rift" about Tanganyikans). Glenn Shardlow, local African keeper and breeder will come along and join the discussion. Please come along! :bounce: :bounce: The club meetings are informal and everyone is welcome. See you there, Hellen (Co- Secretary and Treasurer).
Hi again July meeting is upon us! This Wednesday, 14th July at 7.30pm at the CAB rooms. Alistair Eames will talk about Killifish. Hot choc, coffee and biccies for all comers! See you there, Hellen :bounce:
The meeting is this week... Ira, pay attention! :lol: This Wednesday (9th) at 7.30pm, Citizen's Advice Bureau rooms, Logan St, Upper Hutt. Darren Stevens will show a video on Antarctica and fish species found there. Also some magazines up for grabs, usual help with tank problems, breedings, and chat. Come along! all welcome. :bounce: :bounce:
Upper Hutt Aquarium Society will meet on Wednesday 12th, at the Citizens Advice Bureau, Logan Street. (a Brick house opposite the Cossie Club!) Meeting starts at 7.30pm. The room will be open from 7.15pm This month there will be a dvd shown - Equator; Rivers of the sun. There will also be discussion on breedings, new fish, troubles in the tank and new trends in Aquascaping... Please come along! :bounce: :bounce: See you there, Hellen (Co- Secretary and Treasurer).
Yeah, the cross island /mountain tour is about that long, and is over the highest peak on the island - you do stop at the waterfall for a swim and lunch at the other end. We also used the local bus - easy access everywhere.
I've stayed in both the Rarotongan and the Edgewater. Definitely recommend the Rarotongan. It is a bigger resort with all facilities (like free snorkel gear) and is in a marine reserve, so the snorkelling just off the beach is great. Both times I've gone I've taken food over - breakfast cereal and last time, muesli bars and pot/instant noodles for quick lunches. I really enjoyed Pa's cross-island walk, but it isn't for the faint-hearted. apart from that, it was dine out in the evenings, swim and snorkel the rest of the time. Great!!! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. :bounce: :bounce:
If you're going to boil the wood again, add baking soda to the water, then after at least fifteen minutes of boiling, plunge the wood into icy cold water. The rapid change forces the air out. I found I needed to boil a jug to keep adding hot water to the pot, as it evaporated over the fifteen minutes, leaving parts of the wood exposed. Mind you, now I have bits of wood too big to boil! :lol: and I may end up siliconing the wood to a slate piece to do the same thing as Whetu's ice cream lid. :lol: :bounce:
Kapi Mana Fish Club June meeting - Wed 24th
Foxglove replied to kevin_wgtn's topic in FNZAS & Afflilated Clubs
I distinctly recall Kevin mentioning chocolate fish! :bounce: :bounce: ...and cheese! :bounce: anyone who saw the scrum over the cheese platter at conference knows how irresistible those Kapiti Cheeses are... :lol: Now to work out some fiendishly difficult quiz questions... :lol: :bounce: See you there! -
:lol: Yeah kribs chase each other even when they're a pair! If it is male, he'll soon turn the tables and chase back. Look for more spots on the dorsal fin and much longer pointier tail and fins. Usually some spotting on the tail too. Recent kribs don't seem to have the same amount of colour and spots as a few years ago. IMHO. :roll:
Hi, the first one is definitely female Beautiful too! :bounce: The second one I can't tell - the fins are too transparent to see the shape easily in the pic. It may need another week to see the shape and colours better. Good luck.