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Everything posted by Fenriswolf

  1. Fenriswolf


    Well I guess it is dropsy but it just looks weird because it is a very tiny bulge in diameter (it's the paler-looking spot and it's pale because the scales are sticking up) but quite tall in as far as it extends from her body. There's not much you can do for dropsy other than add some tonic salt is there? She's been like this for a while and the salt isn't really helping... how much should I add to a 180L tank? Maybe I'm not adding enough
  2. Fenriswolf


    Or could she possibly have infected ovaries... or something? After I added the short-finned male to my female betta tank all my adult girls got gravid. Long story short I took him out, it seemed like 2 of the 3 gravid girls were reabsorbing their eggs, I tried sticking the really gravid one in with the boy but he bet the crap out of her and didn't even build a bubble nest. She ended up getting terrible terrible fungal infections all over her and dying after one night of tonic treatment (This is her the day before she seemed to literally burst with eggs on the bottom of the bag and fungi covering a gash on her side, her tail, her fins... ) Now one of my other girls looks pretty screwed, but what's weird is that she has bumps that resemble bloat only very localised, almost pointy bumps low on her abdomen. Every other case of bloat I've seen has been much more generalised and ventral. Any ideas? Oh, and she seems to have difficulty swimming, just sitting on the bottom with her mouth open and periodically doing a big gasp. Help
  3. Not that I'm contributing much but AH! Me too! My plants were all looking lovely, now they're covered in the stuff and no matter how I pull it out and trim my plants it stays. Hardy thing :evil:
  4. :lol: Poor baby. Truly, I don't really want to breed them or anything, I just don't want them to get infected and die
  5. Oh hi. Yeah it's funny he's not blowing bubble nests but it'd be because of all the water movement - it's a really deep tank so I've got like 3 air stones to keep the water oxygenated (plus my bettas seem to enjoy it). I just floated him in there for a while then let him in and watched for an hour or so to see how they got on and there was some posturing but minimal chasing. They were all good for a couple of weeks, and I'm really pleased that him and the gourami ignore each other - but last week I noticed one girl looking bloated and now all three look fit to burst and he's harassing the hell out of them
  6. :lol: Well I happen to have a spare tank I bought with the intention of either moving him into it if I have to or setting up for a new male... Is this likely to be the only solution?
  7. Bah. I had 1 BN, 1 male dwarf gourami and 10 female bettas living happily in 190L. I couldn't resist the short finned betta danilada was selling. He's very cute and there was no fighting or anything at first so it seemed all good. Well now my 3 adult girls are full of eggs and have been a bit shredded, by the boy I'd imagine while my young girls are fine. But mr man has not made a bubble nest as far as I'm aware as I have too much water movement at the top. Suggestions?
  8. I don't know about multiple gourami with bettas but I have 10 female bettas and one male gourami in a lightly planted 180L who all get on wonderfully. There is minimal pushiness with my girls and no issues whatsoever with Trogdor the gourami. But then dwarf gouramis are supposed to be both shy and prone to disease right? My boy is extremely confident, active and out there in my tank, and despite some serious issues with my tank has been 100% healthy and in good colour since I've had him
  9. :lol: You either cut the swearing... or you take a holiday This is a respectible site... and we intend to keep it so. Please read the Guidelines Bill Mod
  10. Also, the Metynnis maculatus are awesome! If bloody silver dollars didn't get so big I'd love to have some of those and the Myloplus rubripinnis or Mylossoma aureum
  11. Plus you somehow ended up with a bunch of numbers after the .jpg, which stops it working. Just copy the IMG code below it for best results
  12. I dunno but we keep our fish at work at ~20 deg (goldfish + BNs) and they're pretty healthy.
  13. :lol: I dunno, I'm pretty anal myself... I may have to stick to identifying legs and body parts before commenting :roll:
  14. Fenriswolf


    I take it the picture of nuts was a mistake Caryl? :lol:
  15. Ahh! Txtspk is awful in general, let along for names
  16. Oo! I never knew the word "bug" had a biological meaning, I always figured it was just a colloquialism for anything small with an exoskeleton. Now what am I going to use to mean insects and arachnids indiscriminately??
  17. Oh my god, I'm in shock with the awesomeness! I've got a bit obsessed with the idea of moving to somewhere with land - we have 3 dogs and it would be super-fantastic to have a couple of acres. Just wow. And congratulations 8)
  18. Well I've actually had this tank set up for a while in a tank of the same dimensions but wide rather than tall - only it developed a slow leak so I've moved everything over to the tall tank but of course my lights are far too long for the top of this tank! I'm not actually sure what wattage I'm using currently but they're decent lights and if anything my plants were growing too fast (I also use basic masterpet plant food) 70cm is damn deep, it's kind of a pain but it looks nice and it was spare. Thanks for the link
  19. Well I've been reading about approximate wattage per litre and deg kelvin and that's great but I'm not sure I understand it in practice. I have an aquarium that is 50 wide x 50 deep by 70cm tall that is planted. So theoretically 200-250watts would be good, but of course the tank isn't very wide so I can't have long fluorescent tubes. I was thinking that maybe one of these and one of these would be good but I don't know if I'm way off the mark? Thanks :bounce:
  20. That's a lot of fish! Crowntails are definitely impressive
  21. :lol: Good question, I wasn't very specific. The ram was (I believe) a female, the betta is definitely a male. I got her because she was miserable at work in a completely shite community with slightly alkaline water and nowhere to hide, very shy and retiring - apparently my betta's fins were just irresistible though! Gave her to someone who has a beautiful set up and she's looking great
  22. Your BGK doesn't eat your loaches??
  23. I think it's very much a case by case basis. I got a bolivian ram to live with my betta and she shredded him. *sigh*
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