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Everything posted by Fenriswolf

  1. Fenriswolf


    Do you really think my post was an attack? I was just seriously like "what? No way, this has to be a joke" - something I thought confirmed by them saying they were going to move them into a bigger tank as they grew *shrug*
  2. Fenriswolf


    What she said. I find it incredibly difficult to believe you're serious? Really. EDIT: Oh, OK. Still, aren't the rainbow sharks having issues??
  3. Note though that while Miramar and Petone are part of the same chain (with Khandallah Vet, previously AllVet) we are not part of the Animalz group any more. So we have nothing to do with J/Ville etc etc. We (Miramar) have a teeny fish section with a 7 tanks of comets/fantails etc and 6 tanks of various tropicals. Our boss wants to add marine though, which I'm very dodgy about but once he gets an idea in his head he doesn't really listen
  4. I work in Miramar: Petone is much better for ze fishies though. Sarah (fish person in Petone) is pretty damn good, and apparently the tanks are nice but I've never got over there when they're open but I'm not working. Over here in Miramar we stick to tetras, guppies, swordtails, bristlenoses stuff like that. We can order in all sorts of cool stuff though
  5. Hey enzoom. If you want to manually type in someone's name (like you want to quote multiple people using their names) rather than just pushing the "quote" button on the top right of the text box, you write
  6. Ahh, that's about what I was thinking. (Haha, when I Googled severums one of the links was to the monster fish keepers forum. Tells me something... :lol: ) Don't really have room in my house at the moment. I am planning on getting bigger tanks at this stage but given our living areas (and thus fishy tanks) are all upstairs I'm going to have to sort something that doesn't involve tempting fate.
  7. "You people are all sick! And you just feed off each other's illness!" Is his response to all the enabling going on. Hahahahahaha. They get kinda big... 8"? How big's your tank Ira?
  8. Muah ha ha. When I said he was pretty she was like "you should get one!" My partner read the message out to me and was like "noooooo" :lol:
  9. Well I just talked to my other co-worker and apparently it's a red head green severum (so maybe some sort of hybrid, dunno)... and one of them used to be hers. Yet despite her telling our other co-worker this she still calls them rams... :roll:
  10. lol I am a lady... and I'm inclined to go gently on her as being lazy and stubborn is a great improvement over evil and manipulative like another co-worker EDIT: Yeah, she is pretty (I don't know what she is but in my head she's a girl due to the lack of bristles, haha)! Really nice colours and shape and she's out and about a lot too
  11. And while I'm at it, is this a sailfin? And are sailfins the same as red spots? Was given to us by someone who was getting rid of their tank, and they didn't know what s/he was. Thanks!
  12. I knew it!! *&(#@^&^@* Oo, and I just Googled severum and they look just like Green Severum! Jesus. There is no way I'm going to be able to convince our ignorant-but-stubborn fishkeeper she's wrong, but it drives me nuts seeing Bolivian Ram up there as their species. Gah! ...seriously, she was trying to get me to put two male fighters together cause one might be a female. No no no, not possible, even with their shredded fins (they had been housed together then given to us) they were obviously both male. AND she keeps buying black sharks, even though a majority of our customers think 60 litres is huuuuge *head-wall*
  13. Haha, totally OT but that's like our front yard. Our neighbours probably hate us but the cats like it, have tunnels for hunting small creatures and everything :lol:
  14. You didn't get them from Animalz Miramar did you? If you're the guy I caught them for they do have a 10-day guarantee and while it may have been your tank and not a bung fish it I don't mind (not my money :lol:)
  15. Fenriswolf

    Fish ID?

    Anyone know what these are: Fishy one Fishy two. They're labelled as bolivian rams at work and the person who looks after our fish insists that's what they grow into... but I find it really difficult to believe and haven't been able to find any mature pictures of bolivian rams that even vaguely resemble this. WTH?
  16. Yeah, the giant kokopu look amazing
  17. Hell, I agree that hybrids are less than desirable but it's pretty unavoidable... BNs aren't sexable when they're little, it's nice having a golden and normal/black, your average fish owner doesn't think about it then bam! Babies. It's actually annoying me slightly because I like the look of a black boy (which I have) and a golden girl (which I'd like) but I'm probably just gonna get a couple more normal ones - black isn't a different species from normal like the GBA is it?? Sorry to add to the threadjack, good luck finding homes
  18. See, what confuses me is that according to that "so you want to go planted" thing I need a good 150-200 watts, and can't see where you can get T5s big enough? I'd actually really like to go metal halide, that would rock, but I don't want to cook my hood/fish!
  19. Problem is that the lid's 50 x 50 cm... that would be too small wouldn't it? (*&$@%(*^) No, actually it was a ballast I was looking at... do I need a ballast or just a fitting? *sigh* Having an irritating day - just feeling like a dumbass a lot
  20. Really? Someone told me yesterday he'd seen some schooling together and it looked cool
  21. Hmmm. I did just chuck the seven in when there were three initially and they were fine, but according to some people bettas will tend to pick an omega to beat the crap out of then move on when she dies. Is this not the case? I didn't have any issues between them until the three older ones died. The three older girls that died, first were full of eggs, then two of them got better only to get bloat a couple of weeks later. One of them though was definitely full of eggs and the boy just kept beating her up and wouldn't make a bubble nest, so she was in a pretty sorry way but I didn't know what to do with her because she was HUGE. She started getting some sort of fungi growing on her shredded fins so I had her quarantined, then one morning I found her with an enormous gash in her belly and seriously what looked like eggs on the bottom (I know this is freakish, don't know what actually happened but that's what it looked like) and she was covered in fungi. She died before I got the guts up to euth her
  22. Well it's 190 litres if you just measure it and work it out: I measured it minus the gap at the top and the stones and it's more like 140. It's a weird shape, painfully tall and quite deep (? erm, front to back). I wouldn't say it's the male's fault so much as I think adding a new anabantoid stressed them out in general, plus he was a young male who'd been blowing bubble nests like crazy at his previous home but didn't for my extremely full-of-eggs females either in my big tank with lots of water movement or when I moved him into the 70 litre with the female who didn't reabsorb her eggs. :-? I decided it was easier just to have him in his own cube, as he's a pretty boy and all my boy + girl experiments were complete failures (I originally only had 1 male betta but he ended up getting beaten up by the girls when I tried him + 3 females and ended up really sick )
  23. Hmmm, that would be pretty awesome. I'm tempted to try but that'd be overload for my wee tank. It's possible I imagine, given that glowlights are supposed to school with either.
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