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Everything posted by Fenriswolf

  1. Great advice, thanks. 37 tall - it's 85 X 64cm around Apparently red finned sharks are OK, so long as there are no other sharks and there's lots of room to share with other bottom dwellers. Apparently looks a lot like the red tailed black shark, less aggressive. I hope! Hmm, will look more into the rams. Want to be fairly careful in my choice of fish - I want them to survive! :roll:
  2. OK, looking at a 200L tank - it's more of a frog/turtle tank but thought would be OK... but just had another look and it's only 37cm deep! Hmph. Are there any breeds that wouldn't deal well with a fairly shallow tank? I've sort of picked out some breeds (nice, hardy fish for me!), looking at some combination of barbs/tetras/swordtails/danios/guppies/maybe a few clown loaches and a couple of blue rams, really want a red finned shark and a plecostomus. I'm hoping it'll be OK, but just in case. :-? Thanks!
  3. Wow, that is great. Thanks, ya'll :lol:
  4. Yay, cool. Was looking at having a cool water tank (found a biiig one on TradeMe...), but established that most of the pretty cool water fish would need a heater to gradually become acclimatised anyway, so I might as well go tropical. Still like comets though, so they'll be my first introductions... In about 6 months when the tank's set up properly!
  5. Fenriswolf


    Hey there, just one Q: could comets be kept happily in 24-25 degree water? Thanks.
  6. Fenriswolf

    Hey there

    Wellingtonian, wanting to get back into fishkeeping more seriously. Just gotta get, I dunno... tank, filter, fish... Good to be here
  7. Cool. 8) I haven't actually got anywhere yet. I've had fish before and decided when I moved islands that next time I got fish I'd plan everything properly (fish down South are still healthy but my experiences were a bit hit and miss). So just thought I'd check it out before I went anywhere with it.
  8. Ah, OK. That's interesting - does that mean I should get a heater and slowly lower the temperature?
  9. I heard mentioned in another thread about starting out with (fresh) cold water fish that you can keep several more "fancy" breeds of fish -white cloud mountain minnows, danios, corys, rosy barbs, celestials- happy in a cold water aquarium. Umm... Where would I find these?! I haven't actually been looking seriously yet, but mainstream pet stores don't really seem to have anything more exciting than fantails usually. Any advice would be great. Thanks! :bounce:
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