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Everything posted by Zev

  1. I liked this bit - can just picture it... 'Good moss now, roll down to the other end of the tank, now beg...'
  2. Since some of the clubs have had their AGM, can the officers please check their club details here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=clubs If they need updating, please email me the details. Thanks Zev
  3. http://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/3514 ... hias-algae Same family as Marimo.
  4. Zev

    Co2 system

    Oooo, just remembered, C02 proof airline, thread tape and a large adjustable spanner or Crescent as they are called here.
  5. Zev

    Co2 system

    That's just the bottle, you will also need a regulator, needle valve, solenoid, timer, stainless steel non return valve, diffuser, ph and Kh test kits to check bubble rate is correct.... I must have missed something out here?
  6. 2 for the reasons Ryan had - could you hinge it off the wall and hook it up when you do maintenance, or hook it up on some sort of ceiling suspension thingy so that you can wind the hood up? I have seen some marine tanks with this type of setup, some looked pretty damned ugly, though :roll:
  7. Zev

    Co2 system

    fordayzbro is onto it, sort out where you can get a bottle refilled, if they have food grade C02, if they can certify your bottle if it is out of date, and if they will fill a bottle you provide, because some do not and will only fill the bottles they rent to you. I get mine refilled at Fire Security Services Limited, but I do not think there is a branch in your area.
  8. Zev

    New Fish!

    Oooo nice - always liked the blues, but prefer them a bit darker and with stripes - what do you call the bottom ones, they are rather nice too.
  9. That grass looks way to green and tidy... Is this Melev's design?
  10. http://www.nodevice.com/user_manual/son ... 5500x.html Great how little fingers manage these things - I still can't get my display out of demo mode :evil:
  11. Zev

    King Killi

    Here he is - not a particularly good shot, though.
  12. Well, I have attempted to book our flights - what a mission - had to do it from work because the AirNZ site POLi software only works on Windows machines :evil: :evil: :evil: Talk about marginalising Firefox and Safari users who don't want to use their credit cards and don't have IE... Then it said that there was a problem and I had to ring them, the lady on the phone did not know what to do, so put me on hold to ask someone, so now we have two sets of flights booked, one awaiting confirmation from the system, the other on hold manually in case the first did not work. The money has gone out of my account, but still no tickets... Arrrggghhhhhh
  13. ondit Ha! gotcha - not a three letter answer!
  14. amplitude methinks Sam is on a three letter binge?
  15. The colour of the water can be influenced by the particles that are suspended in it as well. The first pic appears to be related to the expanse of the water, whilst the second could be particles from the river bed or bank suspended in the water. retrieved from:http://www.teara.govt.nz/en/lakes/1
  16. That would be this one - but you have to subscribe to see it... http://www.nzmas.co.nz/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2915
  17. You can post the link, puttputt - we won't bite you
  18. Don't stick your finger in the corner of your eye whilst driving after cutting chillies even though you have washed your hands... Been there...
  19. cyclostyle hmmm... showing my age here....
  20. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/ar ... 64&ref=rss Heeeyyyy, Ira, here I was thinking you were just going to eat the damned things!
  21. Looking good! Guppy wise, unless you are planning to breed in large numbers, you could just leave the fry in the tank, they will get cover from the Ambulia and rotala and a few will survive. Rams would work well. You could consider an echinodorus in the front left, such as leopard or ozelot, or as Antwan suggests a group of crypts. I agree with P44, hairgrass will become a nuisance with the glosso when it suckers around the place.
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