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Everything posted by Zev

  1. It's Cuddy - unless you are misspelling cutie?
  2. True, some of them would have been. Since you didn't bother to come and visit I will make Wok sign you up to the NZKA instead of paying for the fish and 'freight'!
  3. And picked up your fish!
  4. Ooohhhh you are so in trouble now! :evil: Could have made you catch your own shrimp - and picked out your own plants...
  5. Arrgggghhh.... Quick hit the back button before Miss 8 sees this...
  6. I don't see any caves for them to hide in... If it is as cold and wet on the weekend as it is today I don't know if I want to go shrimp hunting! Do you want any driftwood with your order - there is an abundance of it on the parade at the moment, every time we go past we grab some, because it will either get burnt or next time we want some there will be none for months... I am sure Wok won't mind :roll: Hmm, there's a thought - I could make Wok get wet hunting for your shrimp!
  7. Use the Mibbit one, up the page further.
  8. Or maybe he had better be careful when the Ms Puffs arrive!
  9. Maybe he got stuck somewhere - any small gaps in the driftwood where it could get stuck?
  10. How fast can they swim, or how well can they hide - sounds like a pretty inhospitable environment and now possibly one bored inhabitant with big teeth and an attitude to match!
  11. How smooth is your substrate, could be too sharp for the wee things?
  12. Which is all well and good until they get brittle and break - this will take under a year with the heat.
  13. Zev

    108L Rimless

    What fert regime you running? I can't be bothered going back and reading the whole thread...
  14. What sort of filter do you have? Is it the only thing producing the current in your tank? I have a 400mm cube with a Fluval 104 in it running at about 3/4 flow and my lampeyes don't seem to mind - if I turn it up full bore they just all stick their noses into the current and all point the same way for a while, then they get tired and go hide in a corner...
  15. Zev

    108L Rimless

    I don't think Danios discriminate between whom they chase - anyone is fair game, be they single or in groups. More killies next week, Sam.
  16. They aren't too bad, but would prefer a good spicy bun with currants or sultanas, and NOT peel either - yeetchhhh.... And don't even mention marmalade...
  17. Ta dah... Had a slight problem with the tea towel on the top getting too attached to the buns whilst proving, hence the weird tops - any excuse for the kids to try and disguise them with things other than crosses to hide the mess!
  18. Teaser, bd - I hope you have strep throat and can't taste them!
  19. So, how did it turn out then, Ira? Did you put any of your bhut burning chilies in the mix?
  20. Aha! They have changed the packaging - and added the word 'flour' to it, which I would not use to describe it. My daughter picked up the packet today and I said it was not the right one, it is not flour.... http://www.healtheries.co.nz/page.php?id=25∏=1169
  21. I have been known to shake my Fluval when it does not go, and tip it on it's side on occasion... muttering and calling it names does not seem to help either
  22. One of my favourites is: 40 mussels 100ml white wine 100ml stock (chicken oxo cube is fine) 1 finely chopped onion 3 cloves garlic chopped 300ml cream 2 tsp chopped fresh thyme 2 Tbsp chopped Parsley 2 tsp grated fresh Ginger 2 Spring Onions freshly ground black pepper for seasoning 100g butter - should be unsalted but don't usually have it, so normal stuff is fine. Wash and de-whisker mussels, put them in a large pot with the wine, stock, onions and garlic. Cover with tight fitting lid and bring to the boil rapidly. Shake the pot at times to move the mussels around. When they start to open remove them and put them in a large bowl and cover to stop them drying out. Boil the stock to reduce slightly and then add the cream and herbs. The recipe says to reduce this further by half, but we are usually too impatient, so we let it boil for a wee while then remove it from the heat and add the butter and season and give it a whisk with a fork. You can either divide the mussels up into serving bowls and ladle the sauce over, or just chuck it over the big bowl and fight over them. Serve with crusty bread to mop up the sauce.
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