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Everything posted by Zev

  1. ok - I have a large black and yellow wasp in a cream container - who wants it? Could be a common or German, but the container is not see through enough for me to get a good look at the pattern on the back. It is sounding very angry and the cat is very interested in it - you will have to provide instructions for dealing with it
  2. Oooohhhhhhh Barrie, you are so going to get into trouble...
  3. Zev

    DIY Background

    What sort of filtration are you going to use? Just curious as to how you are going to distribute the heat around
  4. Heeyyyy, P44 how old is that test, and I suspect it is not from your house...
  5. You can post the graphic - looks prettier! Just thought it would be something to eliminate off the list for you.
  6. What is your internet speed like? Try www.speedtest.net
  7. The Hamilton one has a $79 rate providing you don't want to cancel - will have to dig out Kevin's Ibis card and see if it makes a difference.
  8. Don't know if that would be hard for them - there are only three members! Anyway, have you found us some accommodation up there yet - what is the Ibis like?
  9. Pfffttt... you can talk! Literally and figuratively - if I was to ask you to name all the banks in NZ your mute button would not work either!
  10. I think the last time this came up it was because someone thought Sam was a girl
  11. You realise that if you SAAWGS gets new members it will make it hard for you guys to win the Michelle Down trophy for increased club membership Another active Auckland club would be great though.
  12. Still a long way to drive to look at your tanks, though - may not get back in time for the evenings events
  13. Zev


    Well done! Updates would be good.
  14. Hmmm.... any ideas on some decent but not too expensive accommodation, don't think driving home on the Saturday night will be an option
  15. The following is from Auckland Regional Council Biosecurity in regard to Blue Tongue Skinks:
  16. I was given it a many years ago by a member here - haven't seen him for a while. I thought it had karked it until about a year ago when I found a corm rolling around in one of my tanks. Sell it Sam!
  17. Shhh.... Dang tank invading thing it is, one of mine has decided to sprout all emersed leaves at the moment.
  18. I think that if you are given stuff that it is rude to sell the original item for profit. However, if you have been successful in growing or breeding it, then I feel I can sell some of the offspring/cuttings without getting the guilts. In saying that, I usually end up giving more away than I sell anyway and just charge enough to cover P&P. And what Barrie and Caryl said.
  19. We put ours back in the box and give it to some other sucker to battle with!
  20. They are white and about 2mm apart horizontally on the the water graphic - sorry these are the sorts of things I notice first :roll:
  21. I don't like the transparency of the paper, you can see what is on the other side of the page, it also makes the images look flat and like they are printed on a cheap inkjet printer that cannot make black properly. I miss the thicker glossy cover Content very good as per usual. The cards have lines through the graphic that is something I suspect to do with the way Microsoft products handle images, but look good - well done Jarren. But I am a fussy old tart and will now proceed to hide from Caryl
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