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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. as per the above post a "drip loop", is always a good idea, bascially at the end of your main plug going into the wall, use a small cable tie, about 2 to 4 cm up the cable about 10 cm in from the plug, this loop, will stop all water, from going near the power point, this procedure is quite common with Cable tv techs, and works amazingly well. (-Tsars Partner)
  2. the same thing happened to me. Mark said i wasn't allowed any more tanks. then the guppies i got from peanuts had babies, and mark wnt on TM and got 2 more tanks :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  3. i agree. (and while your at it, take the chance to get a look at his awesome tanks.)
  4. ok, serious question. how do you tell when they have dropped the lot?? i want to put the 2 females into the big tank, but i want to make sure they are done giving birth.
  5. the serpae in my 3ft would just love to get their fins on the babies. what i will do after this lot is put them in the big tank and if they breed then its going to be survival of the fitest. if they get eaten, then they get eaten (mark doesn't like it when i say that. it seems he's taken a sudden interest in the fish )
  6. thanks guys. i have a 3ft tank that i will be transfer them into as they get older. otherwise the serpae will think all their xmas's have come at once once they are slightly bigger than a serpaes mouth they will be transfered, then i will decide as to which i want to breed from and those that can be given away or sold.
  7. i got 2 pregnant female guppies from peanuts on wednesday afternoon. yesterday they started having their bubbas here are photos from today (approx 50 little uns) ^^^^^ mums at bottom in this corner Close up heaps of excitement for my son who has never seen baby fish before
  8. after a rather difficult head count this morning, there are, give or take, 40 babies
  9. thanks for the guppies. i put them into my big tank last night while i was fixing the filter for the small one and noticed there were 4 bubbas in the bag too. after i got the filter going i put them into the small tank except 1 baby (i think a serpae may have had a quick bite to eat). i looked into my tank 5mins ago and there are now 11 babies thanks heaps :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  10. hi kookie, that sound like a great idea. which other forum did you see my name on??
  11. don't you guys realise Wai = Water Nui = Big and we are surrounded by lots of hills, sort of like a big bowl of course Wainui's gonna have a lot of fish
  12. all i can suggest then is to do a ring around of the remaining butcher shops. look them up in the yellow pages, then start at A and work your way through the list. one is bound to have it. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  13. try the butchers in naenae. there's 2 of them. they may be able to help
  14. Tsarmina

    hi all

    i'm not telling caryl welcome obie trice. have seen you around here and on TM. hope you can find some useful information on here, if not just ask, someone's bound to know the answer
  15. lucky you! jude gave me some cambomba and ambulia cuttings from her tank and my pleco just finished stripping the last of it a couple of days ago. the rosy barbs and CAE have a go the plants too.
  16. so... what you gonna do with all those guppies???
  17. hello from just over the hill. lots of us wellywooders here
  18. thanks lynda, can only see the problem on the 2 glowlights, so i have isolated them, but i am checking the other fish frequently. i have dosed with melafix, but if anyone knows what this my be and a more specific treatment then that would be great.
  19. 1 of my glowlights has a white spot on its tail and the tail is looking tattered. any ideas? another has the same white spot on the smaller of the 2 top fins. currently (as of 6pm) residing in a 28L tank on their own as Quarantine. previously in a 178L tank with the tank mates listed below (with the exception of the frogs and cats of course). unsure of the parameters, haven't managed to get a water sample to the lfs to get it tested. anything else you need to know to work out the problem please ask. i'll try to answer as well as i can. thanks Colleen
  20. your welcome. you'll get a good rate with that company as i own it with a 1500L tank, no wonder she offered 8)
  21. hi how many fish do you have and what type are they? also, are you shifting your stuff yourself or are you going to use a removal company? if you need a removal company try Esdot Transport, in the yellow pages. Tsar
  22. i taught a goldfish to go to a specific part of the tank if it wanted food by only feeding it in that area. didn't take long
  23. how many fish are in the tank with him and what types?
  24. Tsarmina


    Hello fellow SC resident :bounce: and welcome to the home of fishkeeping. the people here are amazing, and they will try to help you in any that they can
  25. could this process also be used on the stones? its the goldfish tank and they have, from what i was told, fin rot. they have been moved into smaller tank so i can get this one cleaned.
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