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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Jimmy

    Noisy Pump

    has has has he?
  2. Jimmy

    New tank thread.

    My two clowns are for sale in the private trade and exchange if any one is interested.
  3. Jimmy

    New tank thread.

    He is just lending them to me.
  4. Jimmy

    New tank thread.

    He is going to lend me some stuff until i can afford to buy it myself(eg Streams)
  5. Jimmy


    witty like slappers
  6. Jimmy

    what size

    The bigger you go the more expensive the gear is, eg skimmer and lights.
  7. Jimmy

    New tank thread.

    Yea hoping to have some little clowns soon.
  8. Jimmy

    New tank thread.

    Jee wiz. I am still only planning it. There will be lots of pics if some one can come over and take them. Maybe slappers can give me his one when he upgrades :lol: .
  9. Well i too am upgrading my tank for my crazy fish . I dont know how long it will take (dont have heaps of money ) but i will keep you guys posted.
  10. Can we start a thread for all the abbreviations? For all the dummies like me out there.
  11. He says he will post some pics, be interesting to see what it look likes.
  12. Mine have done the same since i have had them. Had not had any babies yet
  13. That is nuts. What are the prices like?
  14. anyone got any ethanol
  15. Jimmy

    SEIO M1100

    brian you can borrow my gun if you want . It even has a laser :bounce:
  16. Jimmy

    SEIO M1100

    a semi auto more like it
  17. Slappers buy me one for my birthday :lol:
  18. Did it kill any of your fish?
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