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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Yip. I think he has to much time on his hands
  2. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    Well if you are going up on mondey or tuesday im keen but i work the weekends now.
  3. is there a pis of westys tank on this site?
  4. mine is only about 90l and i have one 150watt MH and it is over kill
  5. get me one while you are there :lol:
  6. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    Well next time you go to the beach, catch me some shrimp and come over and watch them go
  7. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    Since you are in a giving mood, do you have a spear shrimp? My clowns are hungry :lol:
  8. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    I should get me one of those. A 5 inch shrimp
  9. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    na it might make your clowns go crazy and eat your shrimp
  10. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    or get a skimmer like mine :lol:
  11. I have seen my male clown sucking or biting on a hammer(hammer coral)
  12. Jimmy

    Marine S.A.T

    you should try puting polyps or mushrooms by the glass and make them grow over the algae.
  13. Jimmy

    Reef Booster

    You can buy reef booster at HFF
  14. Thats a good clip. But it has been posted here about 3 or 4 times already.
  15. Maybe i should teach them self defence. :lol:
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