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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. If you are a long term customer or not if he says that and you dont like that go somewere else.
  2. Jimmy

    New Tank project

    What size steel have you made the stand out of?
  3. To close for comfort. :-?
  4. Is that a good 24000L an hour?
  5. Thats those crazy mofos
  6. The fish will love you for ever, feeding them cleaner shrimp.
  7. Can someone post some pics?
  8. Jimmy


    The clown looks like a fish stick
  9. Yip i dont have a camera remember. But will get brother to take some when he comes over next.
  10. No the only reason i was going to upgrade is if i was keeping those sebae clowns but my tank has plenty of room for the new clowns. But i will upgrade when i can save up some money.
  11. Well i dont know what you guys are on about. But catching my fish was so easy. Took me about 10min max. They didnt even hide in the rocks when i was chasing them with the net.
  12. Jimmy


    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/a-dang ... t9818.html
  13. Not sure if they do any more but they use to do it all the time. Yes layton i agree. There is to many over inflated egos on this site and something should be done about it.
  14. Jimmy


    what did you have in there before the deltec?
  15. Post in the saltwater section. But beware some people in there can be a bit nasty.
  16. Yip if you can import products and sell it cheaper than the approved supplier i say good on ya. If i was importing petrol and selling it cheaper than the oil companies, the people that are saving the money wont be complaining thats for sure. The ones that will be complaining are the ones that wont to rip people off.
  17. Get your gear off jetski. It will be cheaper.
  18. Jimmy

    Over flow- cover

    You setting up another tank slappers?
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