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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. How strange is this, My Dalmation Sailfin Molly, which is Male, seems to have paired up with a Black Widow Tetra, Is this normal? I also have a Female Dalmation Molly, in the same tank as the Male, but the Male seems to be sticking by the Black Widows side no matter what, at times I have even seen him trying to mate with the Black Widow, as far as I know Black Widows are eggs layers, Aren"t they? Has anyone else had a similar thing happen, and is this normal? :oops: At least if the Black Widow was a Livebearer, Maybe these two strange fish, may a invented a new type of fishie A ?. Lynda
  2. Thanks for the sympathy guys, I'm feeling quite gutted right now, but as they say, try and try again, which I will, when I find another suitable pair. Thanks for the input Bill, will strip down the 2ft tank, and maybe just keep it as a bare bottom tank, with just a small sponge filter, thought I was doing all the right things, never mind, as I said before, we learn by our mistakes, I will keep on trying untill I SUCCEED . Once Again Many Thanks Lynda
  3. Thanks for the replies guys, yes awful way to start the day, the tank had sat outside for a while, and the gravel was already in the tank when I bought it inside, then I transferred the water and the power filter from the 4ft into the 2ft, the driftwood had also been out of the tank for awhile, as for the babies, don't think there's much luck of them surviving if the perfectly healthy parents have been wiped out, feeling terribly sad right now , I don't see any babies in the tank, should I do a water change and leave this tank set up for awhile, to see if any babies appear? Once again thanks a million for your help, spose this could be looked at as a learning curve, as they say you learn by your mistakes, not that I really know what those mistakes are.
  4. Got up this morning to find my pair of breeding Angels DEAD , what could have gone wrong, I moved them into a 2ft tank, as they had layed eggs on the power filter, so i moved that too, I filled up the 2ft tank with water from me 4ft community tank, and took the power filter (1000per/hr) out of the community tank and put it in the 2ft, everything was going fine the eggs had hatched and Mum and Dad were doing a great job.Had thought about taking Mum and Dad out of the 2ft and putting them back into the 4ft last night, now I wish I had, then maybe this wouldn't have happened Thought I'd test everything this morning and the readings are Ph 6, Nitrates 10, Nitrites 2, Ammonia 1, not sure whats go wrong, is the tank cycling maybe? Have read about the tank spiking, maybe this has happened, sooo many questions and I have no answers,I placed a piece of driftwood and some plants into the tank last night, thought this would be good for mum and dad to hide their babies in,could this have something to do with it ?Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Lynda :-?
  5. Thanks for that info Bill, I might think about moving Mum and Dad back to the 4ft community Tank, in about a week, I will see how they go, as you say this is their first lot of fry. I have read that they should be in a bare bottom tank, the 2ft tank Mum,Dad and the fry are in, has Gravel in the bottom, is this going to cause a problem do you think. Will the fry get lost or stuck in the gravel, What do you think about this? Once again thanks for the valuable info. Lynda
  6. Hi there Bill, Thanks for the info, just to clarify the post I put up this morning, at the moment I have the Mum and Dad and the babies all in the 2ft tank, moved them all into the 2ft tank, before the eggs hatched, and out of the 4ft community tank, hopefully causing less stress for mum and dad, with not having the other fish in the comm tank to worry about. Not sure how long I should leave Mum and Dad in the 2ft with the babies, you say you leave them in together for about a month, is it possible that they would be laying again by then? Would this not make them more tempted to eat the fry that is already in the 2ft tank? There's still some eggs that have become covered in fungus (that haven't hatched), should I remove them or just leave them? Many Thanks for your help Lynda.
  7. Oh my God, I can't believe it, after letting my 2 angels do their thing, for the second time round, first time not successful, as mum and dad ate the eggs that I had left in the 4ft commumity tank, I finally have little angel babies, the eggs have hatched this morning, mum and dad are doing a great job, have read not to feed them (babies) until around day six, until they have used up their egg sac. Do I still need to be doing water changes, or do I just leave them be for a little while. I placed mum and dad into a 2ft tank that I had sitting around, took water from me 4ft tank and the power filter from the 4ft, as this is what mum had layed the eggs on, and put it into the 2ft where mum and dad are now, how often should I do water changes, and when I need to start feeding the babies, how often do I feed them, when do I put mum and dad back into the community tank? Any help would be great. If all goes well should have round 25-30 baby Angels.
  8. I've got about 10 Serpaes, in with my 4 Angels, and I don't have any problems at all, they should be fine, maybe just keep them in a good size group. Good Luck.
  9. Hi there, my angels laid eggs last night on the pump filter in my 4ft community tank, I was wondering if anyones got any info on the best way to take care of these eggs, as I'm hoping they will hatch, they have laid several times before, but always eat the eggs, I've taken the top off the pump filter out and placed it in one of those plastic breeding tanks, don't really no what else I should be doing to help these little guys survive, any help would be great. Thanks. :roll:


    Hi Suphew, There's one slight problem, this CO2 unit doesn't have a bubble counter, this is a fairly new system I think,they are fizzy tablets that create a gas in a chamber and this gas slowly disperses though a special plastic difusser, I have just bought a CO2 test kit so maybe I will have abit more luck with that, Thanks Anyway Lynda :lol:


    Can anyone please tell me, what is the correct amount of CO2 that should be going into a 330L tank, I'm am using a pump filter 1000L/H, don't know if this makes any difference to how long the CO2 lasts for, I'm using the SERO CO2 unit with the fizzy tablets, I think these are fairly new on the market, any help would be great.
  12. Hi Lee, Thanks for that, I may have to go and pay WET PETS a visit, I'm up in Palmy quite often, so will call in next time I'm up there and see if I can be the proud owner of a Angelicus Botia. :lol:
  13. Hi Carly, Got me fingers crossed hoping that when me test kit arrives, everything will read OK, well if it doesn't I'll be back on here asking a few more questions bout how to put whatever is wrong right, just as well I've got a great place that I can go too to ask questions aye. :lol:
  14. It sounds abit like the ph test kits , the guy at the petshop never mentioned that you could even get something like that, have ordered another CO2 test kit, as I wasn't aware that you could even get one,so hopefully that will work the same way. Thanks for the info. Lynda :roll:
  15. Hi Caper, Goodness me you are along way away, Have just bought a whole kit off Trade-Me, which has I think 6 different Tests in it, thought it would be good as I have always been told not to worry bout those readings ,only PH, but after reading lots and lots of Forums, it sounds to me like a necessity, should be arriving in the next few days, so I'll see what me readings are, hopefully they'll be good. C ya Lynda
  16. Are you also using the fertiliser tablets that come in the pack? I have got this running in a 330L tank, not sure if it's gonna be enough to feed the plants, may have to run me old yeast set-up aswell. Whats this test you are talking about, does it test how much CO2 in ya tank, no-ones told me about that, didn't know it was available. Thanks Lynda
  17. Hi heather, I have got the co2 unit with the Fizzy Tablets. Cheers Lynda
  18. Has anyone had much luck with the Sero CO2 Unit, have just purchased on of these and wondering just how effective they are? Thanks Lynda

    RIP Engine

    Hi Phillz, Really sorry to hear bout your favourite Angel, do hope you can find another partner for his girlfriend soon, really sad when this happens, I think it makes it even harder when we don't really know what was wrong with them. We acn get every attached to our beloved Fishies.
  20. Hi Carly and Hummingbird, Thanks for the info on the Test Kits, I have just bought the one off Trade Me for $49.95, excellent price aye. The guy at the pet shop only tests the PH nothing else, but after reading info in the forums thought I'd maybe better start testing a few more things, gotta keep me fishies happy, Once again Thanks Guys.
  21. Thanks for that PearlyRed, are all of these test kits sold seperatly?Once again many Thanks Lynda
  22. Can anyone please tell me, what are the other things that I need to test for in my Tank, I know I should test the PH, but what are the other things and what should they read? My pet shop tells me that I don't need to worry about all that stuff. Please Help Thanks Lynda
  23. Hi there PearlyRed, Just a quick word to say that Botia is totally gorgeous, would love one just like it, I have a Red Tailed Botia, but sorry to say he/she doesn't look quite as stunning as yours, where did you get it from? Many Thanks Lynda.
  24. Could anyone please tell me what fishies do not like salt, in my tank I have golden barbs, black neons, serpaes, gouramis, angels, clown loaches, rainbow shark,mollies, keyhole chiclid, swordtails and platties,think thats bout it, think I read somewhere that cats dont like salt. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Lynda :roll:
  25. Hi guys, Wondering if someone can give me some info on whats the best way to introduce new fish to ya Tank. Should you float them or is there a better way to climatise the new fishies. What about fluctuations in PH and things like that?. Any help would be great. Bought my first pair of Mollies to day, any info on those would be most welcome. Thanks Lynda :lol:
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