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Everything posted by Werner

  1. Fantastic!! Congratulations :bounce: :bounce:
  2. That combtail/crowntail is wicked!! Any in Wellington? :bounce:
  3. Werner


    MJ You're a star! Thanks mate! Will go get one soon enough...now just to get a nice trio of guppies....
  4. Werner


    Great one!! My turn will come too! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  5. Werner


    Guys I am so excited about this. Nice photos on your page Stella. Those redfin bullies are cure. Are they also to be found here in Wellington Upper hutt area?
  6. Werner


    Thanks a lot guys. You are all a real friendly and helpful bunch I'll let you know how things get on. So one could keep a few together then? And not just one? Will have to fend off those who might want to eat them :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Werner


    Sounds cool. How will you catch it? And going at nightime? What abou tclose to Wellie?
  8. Werner


    I'd like to keep a koura in Wellington. Any idea where I can catch one? Thanks
  9. Now why can't we have lots of nice guppies here in NZ!!?? :oops:
  10. Thanks TT!!! I'll keep an eye out. Werner :bounce:
  11. Hi Can anyone let me know about trio's available in the Wellington region? Or NZ for that matter? Thanks Werner
  12. PHEW just got worried there. Thanks guys. And yes Alan I thought that there is much more to this story....
  13. WHAT THE .... I turn my back two minutes and not look at the site and all hell breaks loose!!! Silly stuff by the sounds of things here, but then what do I know? Hope this is not the end of killies in NZ just as I am learning from all the great guys in here. Can you boys make up and we can all continue to play nicely again? Werner NZKA 264
  14. Werner

    Killie eggs

    Hi guys Good to hear all the news down South. Sorry for not replying PJ, been busy of late. You are welcome to come and look at my killies. We'll set up a time. Good one MrsKZ; you'll enjoy the killies. I have N. Korth. Yellow with one reallly beautiful male and lLOTS of females. They are really fun to keep. Good pets with personality Werner NZKA 264
  15. Hi guys How about some feedback about the meeting today for those who are too far away? :bounce:
  16. sorry for your losses mate. Don't give up.
  17. It will be no problem in a little while to get babies PJ. Did you see that nice Moscow Blue on TM? The ones I got now are a yellow leopard tail male with 2 females (linebred ones so that's good), a green diamond male which is really nice and a lot more expensive than the others, a red multi colour male - which actuallly looks a bit more orange to me, and a blue king cobra male which is very nice, and then 2 females that they called super females - really big and beautiful shimmering blue colours. now to get onto breeding...
  18. Hi Pj I got someone to bring them back. They would have courierd them down next week but I could'nt wait A bit expensive but worth it if you want to improve bloodlines. I got 4 different males and some really nice females. Cost a bit but as you said, nothing in the lfs that I want at the moment. Do you still have that nice male of yours?
  19. PJ I just got some nice ones from a petshop in CHCH. They are from Singapore and look really nice. So no need to try to do it yourself
  20. Werner

    trade of killies

    Good idea Southern Man. It would be good to get more people interested down here - just wait until they see the fish!
  21. We from the South would love to be there too! Down here the killies are growing at a rate of knots And Wok, those whiteworms are high on the menu still, thanks mate.
  22. Werner

    trade of killies

    Yip as a new member I can recommend the NZKA if you want to get into it Werner 264
  23. Werner


    Hi Alan The eggs are from the best guys around The killie club guys! Thanks to Erling and you Alan I have bbs to last a loooong time :lol: The fish eggs come from Erling and Stu. Interestingly I got more fry from Stu's eggs, but the ones from Erling's are growing a bit faster. mmmmmm. But all in all the guys are doing just fine and I enjoy them tremendously :lol:
  24. Werner


    Likewise Aquanut. I don't heat anything as our house is quite warm. The salt content I use is a heaped teaspoon per 500ml water. Not too many eggs as I end up throwing a lot away :lol: experimenting as you do is fun in any case. Enjoy. Those killies are the cutest. Mine are coming on nicely and I enjoy them so much
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