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    Barcelona, Spain

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  1. JMª

    HELP eggs

    if was empty the food boat inside the aquarium the best thing to do is change water.
  2. JMª

    HELP eggs

    with a good water change it would have to fix. Is better changing every two hours 5 or 10 liters of water to that you change much of blow. Then the values of the water were not varied too much.
  3. Hello, The past weekend was celebrated a convention of companies of pets (foods and accessories for all type of pets) and also were celebrated conferences. one was Heiko Belher. in this link you can find photos. in the same post are the photos of discus of a German company
  4. JMª

    trade of killies

    I do not know it. I so sorry. :oops: I suppose that the laws will be for preventing the invasion of nonnative species. To being NZ an island you have species that are not in another parts of the world, and that must take care of.
  5. hi, I have some eggs of Palmqvistii and Rachovii, they are nothobranquius (nothos) and are anual fish. Also i have Fundolopanchax Gardnieri Indieri. Any one want to change some eggs?
  6. no, he was proving a pair of times the position and when he found the position he mark the ground and put the sand and then the wood above
  7. hello, they are of fresh water. I believe it is the first time that can be bought in Spain. any information on them was welcome
  8. hello, Saturday I could buy 9 Palaemon scarletti and I'm looking for information of this shrimp. Somebody can say something to me of it?? parameters of the water?, etc.
  9. hi every body! The past weekend was Takashy Amano doing a workshop in Barcelona. Here is the Web with the photos. If you have some doubt the photos are numbered,.it's enough with saying the name of the photo and I explain that is doing if this post does not go in this place, please can a moderator put it in his site.
  10. Thanks to all for the welcome. :oops: :bounce: Yes, that is my Web site. As I said it's stopet because I want to change the system of vision of the photos. I want it to do using data bases to make the load faster. The photos are taken using different cameras I began with a 1.5MB camera (fuji finepix). For the first photos of the shrimps I put a magnifying glass in front of the objective of the camera. And put both things touching the crystal of the aquarium so that the flash was not reflected. When the camera was broken (last year) a good afriend left to me a Nikon 885. Better objective and 4MB. But in August, after saving much, I was able to buy a new camera to me now i'm using a canon 350D. it's really a good camera.
  11. hello, I am glad that you like my site... but now is stopped, I want to make some changes. :roll: Yes, all of the pics and works are mine. If you want to see some more just clik here
  12. hello, hello, I am of Barcelona, Spain. The other night I'm looked for information on cryptocorynes and I discover this forum. I believe that you have a great and good amount of information in plants of your zone. Now I have 5 aquariums working. One 450 liters with 4 discus, apistos, corys and caridinas japonicas. Plants in their majority are of the type that here we called "Asians" cryptocorynes, marsilea, hygrophilas... One 260 liters with African fish, Julidochromis, shell dwellers, calvus... 2 60 liters, One with 3 lelleupys and the other whis shrimps. And finally a 40 liters with a colony of Multifasciatus. In other side i have 2 60 liters for hospital. my last efforts go directed to the emerged growth of cryptocorynes. the fault is of my friend Xema. :lol: Finally to request excuses if my English is not all the correct one that would have to be. :oops:
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