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  1. those of us with one could charge people to bring rock over to be cleaned by them
  2. ghostface

    goby 1

    ask jetskisteve, he has done it before
  3. ghostface

    nasty tang

    was the tang there first? if so, put the tang in yer sump for a week or so - while it is in there, change your rocks around so as to make new "territory". i think the idea is that when it goes back in, it doesn't recognize the tank as being its own territory to defend. or maybe that the foxface has similar feeding patterns as the tang so it sees it as competition
  4. ewwwwwww... would be better off with a couple of those 1000 litre plastic-with-a-metal-cage numbers on an old trailer
  5. how good is that octopus!
  6. have seen them in auzzie aquarium, about 8 inches long. not seen in nz though
  7. ghostface


    shine a torch up its bum and they will crawl out :lol:
  8. was at the Melbourne aquarium again a couple of weeks ago. they have one reef tank, with one acro and a bunch of softies in it. hardly any fish, worst aquascaping ever. some of the other stuff is cool though, jellyfish tanks, fish only tank with heaps of fish and seasnakes in it. overall really cool but if you are going there to see corals it is disappointing
  9. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10407455
  10. ghostface


    a $12 dollar pen and a $0.13 per hour pay rise
  11. mate just drill the tank, its easy.
  12. would pay to cure them in your sump for a few weeks, you will get less algae on them when you put them in your display. the algae takes ages to die off and discolours the rock.
  13. ghostface


    i get quite bad nutrient spikes when i feed frozen food, even if i defrost&rinse it first. seems strange as pretty much all of it seems to get eaten......
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