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Going away...


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Hey guys i was just wondering what everyone does when they go away. I have to go up to Rotorua for a long weekend and then there is the whole going home for xmas, and i was wondering what the best options are. I am just a bit paranoid that i will come home to a dead tank.

Are feeding blocks ok or do i need to look at getting an auto feeder. There is only 7cm clearence between my tank and the top of my hood and all the ones i have been looking at are to big.


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Don't worry about the feeding block.

Just make sure that the tank is not overstocked, and well fed in the weeks leading up to your absence.

Make sure your water changing and tank management is up to date before you go.

If you have a well planted tank and not overstocked, I reacon you could do a month away without fear. Temperature and filtration is really the only concern, depending of course, on the fish.

Don't add any more fish 2 weeks prior to your vacation, they may be ill and may not show till you are away.

About the only thing you'll have to consider is your filtration, and your air supply to the tank.

Maybe train up someone that can check out these while you're away, and show them how to fix ANYTHING that may go wrong, set your lights up with timers.

If you belong to a club, this can be an excellent source of aid.

What goes round sorta thing.

If you are using a relly or neighbour, leave the phone number of an aquatic friend that is prepared to help this way.

Alan 104

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I agree with all that's been said. We often go away up to a week and just leave the community fish. Our bigger cichlids need feeding once or twice during this time and we put the right amount into labelled pill bottles for the neighbour to empty in as required.

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We went to Oz for a couple of weeks in March and had to get someone to come and feed our cats anyway, so I just put food in measured amounts in a pill sorter (you can get them from $2 shop) and got my friend who fed the cats to feed the fishies too. the lights are on timers anyway and everything else should be fine. so if you have a friend or even better a fish friend its an easy way for someone to feed your fish without over feeding.

I have also looked at getting an automatic feeder but I have the same prob as you, there isn't enough room between the tank and lid for it.

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