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Plants Troubles!


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I have stuggled for years with plants in my tank. I think its the goldfish eating them to bits. Any suggestions on what kind of plants work well with gold fish???. And does my ph effect plant growth. I have gravel with shells in it which does effect the ph.

(tank: 5 goldfish, 3 tropical. Gravel (with shells) temp: 25 and use a internal filter with carbon add on.

Hope sum one can help.

Thanks :)

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Yup fertilizer about once a week, medium lighting 8-10 hours a day, its a cold water tank tho, so it grows really really really slow. I just use normal gravel and everything, honestly don't do nuthin with them, I think ya just need to find a nice hardy plant which grows in cold water and goldfish don't touch. Don't know what plant would suit you, but I'm sure other people on this forum which will know more about plant selection.

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Blue Hygrophilia, ludwigia, accorus (jap rush) baby tears, mondo grass. Accorus and mondo are not true aquatics but make a nice display for a couple of months then you put in garden to recover and use again. Also use lead so that they don't dig the plants up.

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Accorus and mondo are not true aquatics but make a nice display for a couple of months then you put in garden to recover and use again

so mondo grass sold in LFS are the same as the ones in garden centres??? i thought they were different. paid $2 a bounch for my :roll:

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a lot of aquarium plants are sold in garden centres

Baby tears (Bacopa) immediately springs to mind.

well i'll be damned :o how i never put the two together i'll never know. just thought of another one "water buttercup" i guess its just the same as normal buttercup :roll:

does that means these so called aquarium plants wont last very long under water or are just slowly dieing?

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I would put it another way: Many plants sold in pet shops as aquatics are realy pot plants and most of the plants are grown emersed because they grow quicker.

i totally agreed with you there brother.

what it mean for us (Aqua Landscaper) is that it either takes time for it to adjust (dying and reviving) for the plant (the leaf have different shape, emerse and submerse)


the plant has to be taken out of the water and into the pot for revival.

total waste of time when there are heaps of plant that thrives well under the right condition. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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