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Angels breeding

Scuba Sam

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Hi, I have had two marbled angels for a week and they seem to be ready to breed. Lip locking, frantic cleaning, and ovipositors that seem to be bigger by the day. Will the stress of a new location, and an agressive convict ciclid (now out of harms way) stop them from breeding? How long from the increase in size of the ovipositor are they likely to breed? I have never had angels before and am enjoying their beauty. Would love some babies. Your comments please...

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A shift like that can often set them off. If something upsets them it does not take them long to breed again. Have you something for them to lay their eggs on? If not, they will likely choose somewhere stupid, like around the filter outlet or on the heaterstat :lol:

Try lying a bit of slate on an angle against the side of the tank for them to spawn on.

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Thanks for your comments. They have chosen a site to clean, have been cleaning it for about four days now. It is a grey ceramic "amphora" or Greek urn ornament, about six inches in diameter with a glazed surface we think. Will they be happy with a round surface? If not I can go buy some slate or schist maybe from a tile shop?

It is just a tad more complicated than breeding live bearers!! :lol:

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Hi, you will be very lucky if they deposit eggs on something handy, I have been trying for a while to get my angels to deposit on a removable object but they never do. So far they have laid on filter power head, heater thermostat, heater power cable, inlet pipe for the filter, broad leaves on plants & never on the terracotta pot i have hung & placed in the tank.

Good luck & keep us posted to your progress.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Lots of developments in my tank since my last post. The third angel was getting very upset with all the action between the marbled pair. She is bigger, and used to try to interrupt the courtship ritual. In the last week the male marbled angel was hiding in the corner, and yesterday I found him stuck to the filter, dead.

Today I noticed the female marbled angel had grown an even bigger ovipositor, and when I went home at lunchtime, she was depositing eggs left right and centre over the ceramic ornament she had been cleaning in the past. About 400. The larger angel, who I thought was a female, was scurrying along after her, looking like she/he was fertilising the eggs. The organ coming from the larger angel is much smaller and thinner.

So my question: Is the larger angel a female mimicking fertilising the eggs, or is she in fact a male? If so I will change her name from Olive to Oliver!!

What sort of cross will I get between a black marbled female and a silver with red eye and three black vertical stripes male?

Your comments please experienced angel breeders!!

Thanks, Sam :bounce:

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Lots of developments in my tank since my last post. The third angel was getting very upset with all the action between the marbled pair. She is bigger, and used to try to interrupt the courtship ritual. In the last week the male marbled angel was hiding in the corner, and yesterday I found him stuck to the filter, dead.

Today I noticed the female marbled angel had grown an even bigger ovipositor, and when I went home at lunchtime, she was depositing eggs left right and centre over the ceramic ornament she had been cleaning in the past. About 400. The larger angel, who I thought was a female, was scurrying along after her, looking like she/he was fertilising the eggs. The organ coming from the larger angel is much smaller and thinner.

So my question: Is the larger angel a female mimicking fertilising the eggs, or is she in fact a male? If so I will change her name from Olive to Oliver!!

What sort of cross will I get between a black marbled female and a silver with red eye and three black vertical stripes male?

Your comments please experienced angel breeders!!

Thanks, Sam :bounce:

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Olive is a boy.

The silver striped strain is 'stronger' than the fancy variants, so while the spawn is likely to be 50/50, I've been told the weaker fancy strains are more likely to die off, so you'll probably get mostly angels that look like 'Olive' hehe

I'll try and find the page I'm referring to and get back to you.

I've only got one silver angel, and he has grown much faster, with bigger taller finnage, than any of my others (pearlscale white, koi, marbles, and koi/marb crosses), and he had to be housed seperately with my severums as he'd hound any other angel. My black veiltail is still growing fins back :(

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Thanks to everyone for their comments. After watching in excitement as my female layed about 400 eggs in my lunchbreak, I returned home after work to see NO EGGS!! Oh the disappointment, especially after hearing that Olive® was definitely a boy. So angels are known to eat their eggs I believe. My only concern is that my algae eaters may be a factor - is this possible?

Two more questions:

1/ How long til they are ready to lay eggs again?

2/ How long do eggs take to hatch once laid?

Thanks for all your help so far,

Sam :cry:

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  • 11 months later...

They will be ready to lay again a week later if they are keen enough.

Unfertilised eggs will turn white.

Eggs will hatch in 36 - 48hrs.

Make sure you set up some brine shrimp so they will hatch for the fry to eat once they have consumed their egg sacs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, My angels bred yesterday on the leaf of a marble sword plant and a couple days before that on the leaf of an amazon sword.

Good luck

Hi there ours laid eggs today on a big leaf. I have put in some methylene blue.

HOw often do I need to put in the methylene blue?

At what stage can I move the airstone closer and under the leaf?

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Have you left the parents in with the Eggs? Are they in a tank by themselves? You dont want the air bubbles touching the eggs at all, just close-ish enough to provide a small amount of water movement. If the parents are still in the tank with the eggs they will provide water movement by swishing their fins back and forth, and will also pick off the fungussed eggs so meth blue isn't necessarily needed.

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Have you left the parents in with the Eggs? Are they in a tank by themselves? You dont want the air bubbles touching the eggs at all, just close-ish enough to provide a small amount of water movement. If the parents are still in the tank with the eggs they will provide water movement by swishing their fins back and forth, and will also pick off the fungussed eggs so meth blue isn't necessarily needed.

I will leave the parents in with the eggs.

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