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Were guppies sleeping?


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As you know, I do not have real plants :oops: ; nonetheless, I do have my lights on timers, well I did until the summer hit and now I just turn them on/off for a period of time in the evening if it is cool.

I was out tonight till about 11:30 p.m. and the lights weren't on all day. I was mortified when I first saw my guppies almost just sitting on the gravel. Thought somethings seriously gone wrong here, yah I know I panic :o:o

ANYWAY, my question is would this be their "normal nightime" sleeping behaviour do you think????

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Hi, don't panic :lol: If the tank was dark the fish would see it as their rest period and rest on the bottom of the tank, but they don't actually sleep :lol: It would be a good idea to have some form of light during the day, even some natural light I find, any algae is eating and my anubias plants are steadily multiplying :D

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Thanks all :bow::bow::bow:

Much relieved, they're all happy and swimming about. It was the first time I experienced, ah this situation :o :-? , so it was a bit scarey at first to see them all kinda just sittin on the bottom that something major had happened!

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I've noticed my cardinals going all pale when they're sleeping, but 2 minutes after the lights go on they start colouring up again. Its real funny, like they rush about for a couple of minutes putting on makeup... kinda like someone I know waking up late for work.. :roll:

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Its real funny, like they rush about for a couple of minutes putting on makeup

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My large clown loaches keel over on their sides and go to sleep during the day

Top heavy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, and I just realized that all you must be snoozing now, since it's 11:47 a.m. Monday morning here...do you think some pics of that could be, ahhhhhhh interesting :o :lol: :lol:

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