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Bristlenose eggs - new to these


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Right, so my inlaws gba has breed with his bn, and is now sitting with eggs.

How long till the eggs hatch?

The tank has to be treated with Furran 2, to try and get rid of 'columaris' that has killed off a few smaller fish.

Will the Anti-biotics harm the eggs?

While taking the larger, more expensive fish out last night, we took the log out of the water for about 15-20 min, as we did not realise the dad was in there, or that the eggs were in there either. We saw the eggs after we put the log back in. Dad is ok, and the eggs look clear and a nice yellow colour.

Will having the eggs out for that amount of time cause them to die off?

If all goes well, and the eggs hatch, what is the best thing to do with them?

The tank only has neons, guppies, and swords left in there, as all the rest are in hospital tanks at my house.

Any and all advice is needed and appreciated!


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so a GBA and a Normal BN have interbred??

This is not encouraged to cross breed the species. if they do survive they will probably end up being wierd colours etc. im not 100% sure but i wouldnt let them breed again as cross breeding species just weakens the blood lines.

They may need to be culled if they hatch to stop inbreeding, im not sure

Good luck


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They are not cross breeding evil, the gba is merely a colour morph of the ordinary BN. Better to keep them separate thogh so you can get lots of gba or BNs and not a cross of the two. I doubt they will get weird colours, more likely some of the fry will be gbas and the majority will be common plain ones.

Leave them now and see if the hatch Krissie. They will cope on their own. Baby BNs are quite large and good at fending for themselves.

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cheers guys.

The interbreeding was not intentional, actually thought the BN was just too young to have lots of bristles yet. It has them on it's gills and a few on the nose.

The GBA is the male, which was very obvious, and he seems happy with his current job of looking after the eggs.

The female is now out of the tank and will most likely not go back in.

So how long till babies?

i too am very curious as to what they will look like and i will most likely keep a small group of them in my two tanks.

will keep you up to date with the outcome in regards to colours etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

all the eggs were thrown out by dad and quickly gobbled up by the others in the tank.

I think the meds may have damaged them, although most looked ok to me.

It was the first time for the dad looking after eggs so that may have something to do with it too.

cheers for the help though guys.

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