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Hang on filter questions


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Hi, am just considering getting a small hang on filter for my wee 22 litre tropical tank. I have an internal filter at the moment, but the fact a hang on is not inside the tank is appealing due to the limited space in a smaller tank, plus the more effective filtration (I assume)

What I'm wondering is, how much noise do these things make? I realise there will be some trickle noise from the water, but also how much sound does the motor make? Its because its on my desk right next to my bed and I know I can't exactly turn it off every night :wink:

And any brand recommendations if you know whether they are quiet or not would be greatly appreciated :D

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Definitely recommend AquaClear, I think they have rebranded are now called AquaOne, I have the biggest (AquaClear 500) and the smallest (Aquaclear Mini) and they are both virtually silent. Just got a jebo one too that's working well but a bit noiser.

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Like this one? :


Have been eyeing it up for a while, but as I can't hear it run have been holding back. And I can't exactly go into my lfs, get them to pull it out, plug it in, have me go "yeah, thats good" then waltz out to buy it $30 cheaper on trademe :wink:

My tank is SILENT due to the internal filter at the moment. Had an airstone when I had goldfish, but found the air pump noisy (was a $15 jebo heh) :-?

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Or... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pets-animals/Fish/Pumps-filters/photos/a-63376654/p-21749354.htm Oh the choices!

I *know* eheim is a good brand. I have an Elite Ray filter in there at the moment and I read overfiltration with small tanks is better than underfiltration... Spose there isnt much difference between filters in small tanks...they all suck water through a sponge *shrugs*

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Yea I highly recommend the AquaClear filters, cheap, quiet, durable, and the best part easy to clean, oh yea and not 'in' the tank.

Fenris I just bought a jebo 508 and it's fine, just a low hum but still quiet. Not enough to keep me awake or anything.

It's best to have over than underfiltration that's for sure, but not so it's blasting your fish out of the water or anything. 5x your tank volume per hour is recommended.

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I have both the Jebo and Aquaclear HOB filters and find that the Aquaclear are better at accomodating the media I like to put in, whereas with the jebo you have to use their prorietary media sheets.

If you have the money go for Aquaclear, if cheap is what you are after then jebo.

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I have a personal preferance for Ehiems and have a HOB that i used to use.

As Caryl said, it depends on the water level depends on the brand but anything more than 20mm below the lip of the tank and you are likely to have a water fall == noise.

Also re flow... On my eheim and on my brothers HOB ( dunno brand) and on my neigbhours HOB, they have a little 'valve' than you can vary flow.

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Hmmm still thinking about which way to go :roll: Its like I have MTS but as I can't get any more tanks want to keep improving the one I have haha

Still wondering about the filter noise. Water noise will be fine, my tank is full also. My air pump that I plugged in in the store and sounded 'virtually silent' was noisy as when I got it home.

Is there a hang on Eheim small enough? I didn't think there was. There are the nice small in tank Eheim filters that I gave the link for but am wondering if its much different to what I have already.

Going to cruise into town now and have a squiz at the filters there heh. Sorry for all the annoying questions, its nice having as many opinions as possible :D

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Wow, going into town was the stupidest thing ever :roll:

They have some lovely dwarf gouramis in there, and of course that means a bigger tank. Theres the same as mine there, but a size up, 30L I think. (It has to stay small enough to be shiftable for when I go home once a year)

and THEN dad rings me and explains the wonderfullness of undergravel filters, which I should apparently get if I go up to a 30L tank. Cept I have no idea about which air pump to get haha.

*watches the happy fishes swimming around in her tank*

Heres a pic: Tank.jpg

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Undergravel filters have their place, large biological filtration capacity that's for sure. But beware if you have plants the roots will get tangled up in it. The AquaClears are virtually silent, and stay that way. You can also adjust the flow.

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Def go an Aquaclear for a proper Hangon

You wont even hear it if you keep the water level up to it

Also AquaOne and Aquaclear are totally different brands with Aquaclear being a Hagen product made in Italy and AquaOne made in china

That said AquaOne are still a great filter just not in the Aquaclear range of quality


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I used to have quite an old HOB filter on a 2ft tank in my room, the noise from it's motor was audible but it was a low pitched, constant noise so it was easy to ignore, just like you do when you go to sleep in a car or submarine. When I took it out of my room I actually found it harder to get to sleep for the first few nights.

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You sleep in a submarine?? :o heh

I've bought the Aqua Clear HOB off trademe, waiting for the sellers email so I can pay 8)

Also got a 34 litre tank today from Animates and have transferred my fish over :D They must be very confused (I put everything back how it was in the bigger tank) and thinking "hmmm, this looks identical to where we were taken out of but theres something different...I can't quite put my fin on it..."

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