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I gather you added the sand first? Cichlids will dig and undermine the rocks. Make sure they are firmly stacked. Without the sand at one end, a bottom rock will drop and the rest will slide off sideways or topple forwards. Some people silicone rocks to hold them together.

When I set mine up, I put the rocks in first then scattered the sand around.

You did ask us what we think so...why the bubbles bang in the middle at the front? To me it will distract the eye from the fish. I would move it behind the rocks. Just MHO though :wink: I am not a fan of bubble walls as you don't see them in nature like that so I might be biased :D

If you like it, then that is all that matters.

It will look good once the cichlids are in there.

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The base rocks went in then the sand folowed by the stacks of rocks,

i was thinking of silconing them but didnt no if it would make any difference,

the photo is a lil bit despetive as the bubbles are to one side and are towards the back, but i know what you mean that it woulndt happen in the wild, (but these fish aren't in the wild so meh)

i have got some silcon but dont no if it can be used under water (will it work if the rocks are submerged?)

it is the JBL AquaSil Silicon (colour white)

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I thought about siliconing my rock arrangment together in one of our African tanks.. BUT my husband did the "roll eye thing", because this particular tank I always seem to pick holes at with each way I set it up, so husband refuses to silicone the arrangment till I am content, the fish in this particular tank must get driven mad by me :lol:

So in short, make sure you like it before you silicone it :wink:

I also have the bubble wall thing in one of my tanks, BUT I am wondering whether I actually need it, it does look nice but it never runs even, always seem to get a burst of really large bubbles now and then and it makes this plopping noise (which isnt so bad, unless you are watching a good movie) :lol: The bubble bars are pretty good at keeping away build up tho to a certain extent, but a good power head is always good.

Keep those pics coming :)


Hawkes Bay

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and what happens when it comes time to move house??

break the tank to get the stones out to move the tank because it so heavy??

beause i have very large rocks at the bottem i cant see them causing a rock slide lol

i have 2 airstones going the big one it front which is very even and the felxi wall at the back which isnt under the sand (but still out of site so i dont get the big ploop

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Yes well there are those things to think about huh! :lol: If that was the case, we wouldn't be moving house, tank comes first! :lol:

Another reason I am not too keen to silicone in some cases is if I have a female peacock holding a crop of young, I like to get her out to put her in a tank of her own for some peace and quiet to spit the bubs and I can only imagine the frustration in not being able to catch her with siliconed rock work, have had to move the odd rock or two :wink: :lol:

Oh those flexi bars are great, neat how you can suction them to anywhere in the tank huh.


Hawkes Bay

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yea, i will just leave them as is,

i have a 120cm felxi in a 100cm tank so it is just curved around th tank flat it goes over and under some of my base rocks so i have dif size bubbles but nuffing tht goes ploop lol,

hmm i thnk i am just going to go get some fish (i need a study break) how long do you think it will take my 5 kingsize cichlids to kill the cycle fish? (4platys)

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Just coming into this thread and the tank looks spectacular! Schist on white gravel with colourful cichlids is a feast for the eyes.

One downfall will be the cleaning and maintenance. You'll end up with algaes growing on the rocks which will eventually need to be removed and scrubbed, or you'll have to dismantle the setup to remove babies in due time.

Other than that, excellent!

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  • 4 weeks later...

well um yes i do, i was going to upload it tomorrow but i gess i can do it now for ya lol.

i ended up getting 5 kingsizei, 3 yellow stripes, 1 usd cat. and 1 gae i no its not from africa but i had an algae problem.

as you can see the rock work has changed a bit but i think it looks beter now

what do you think?


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Beautiful, absolutely beautiful :bow::bow::bow: Personally, I like the bubble maker :D

Did you have your tank made? It always amazes me when I see stunning rock formations while at the same time thinking, how the heck does the bottom hold all that weight :o

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