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I guess i should have posted here first before jumping right into the disease section...lol

I have been keeping freshwater Tropicals for about 3 yrs now and have finally settled with a semi aggressive tank. I currently have 2 Male Severums (thought one was a girl till recently..lol ) 2 Hoplo Cats, 2 lochata loaches, 2 plecos, 1 killiefish, 2 Angels, 1 fire eel, 1 Native Eel, 1 Clown Kife...umm yep i think thats it?!

I know there is some conflict between some of my fish, or should i say 'there will be' but most are still young, and we are trying to build a stand for my big tank so we can seperate the trouble makers from the others. My 'big' tank is roughly 1800L x 900W x 1100D, and made of 10mm toughened glass.

Had it set up once but the stand bent and the tank sprung a leak!

Anyway, am in Auckland, and enjoy my fish heaps.


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All my fish are in the same tank except my Angels, which are in the hospital tank because one is unwell. My fresh water eel is fine, eats heaps, but hides alot too. the tank temp sits around 28deg, but often warmer as we have a very hot house, lots of north facing windows!

My fire eel is quite cheeky and tame and if you put your hand in at feeding time he'll come and sit in it.

I love my fish heaps.

As for the big tank, yes when it leaked it made a huge puddle!

My husband had a bucket taking water out of the top (trying hard to miss the fish!) and i had the job of trying to mop up what i could with about 20 towels and a mop-o-matic mop. Talk about stoopid!

We had to put the fish into a 40ltr tank overnight while we got the current one back up and running. Poor fishies!

The all survived, except one, and Krib, who never made it out of the big tank. (i think he went out the window with a bucket of water in our haste)

Thanks for all the 'Welcomes' and i look forward to discussing fishies with you all.


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