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Planned power outage: What to do?

Aquarium Dude

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Its also likely that your Insurance Company will void any cover for losses unless you take 'every practicable step' to minimise loss. Just run a cord from your neighbours, or hire a generator for the day - or just get a battery powered airstone to keep the water moving and cover with blankets.

Its even more likely that your insurance cover won't include livestock.

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Relax- if it is only for 6 hrs. Seems a few people have gone straight to the back page of the phonebook over this one.

A water change the night before.

Blanket over while the powers out

I was out for 36 hrs over winter and Discus tank got down to 17 degrees, started up and after 4 mths no casualties, I might pull through it.

At the moment I have the filter off in a breeding tank with a malawi trio for a day now. Water change, and filter on- no worries.

Even so, don't go crazy with feeding for a few days afterwards.

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i would put my money that your house is sitting comfortably at about 23 degrees during this season anyways. I bet that your heater is hardly being used. Unless your outage is days and days, even then, i probably wont wory tooooo much, canister filter might have dead bacteria or lesser population, some cycle would help after but, realistically, i dont think you should worry, like the dude said, blanket or heat blanket to keep heat in, but your house isnt gonna be freezing im sure.

but in the wild, most if not all of these fish experience temp fluctuation.

IN the amazon - water ranges from 16 degrees celcius to upwards of 28dpending on where and how the rain and mountain flow is. everywhree in the wild, when its night, temp of water drops heaps!

no where is warm all the time - i watch alot of man vs wild and discovery:)

example, arowanas in the amazon experience water temps of 18 degrees, they dont die instantly, though would probalby for prolonged periods of time, but generally, they ahve patches of water with different temps

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I wasn't so concerned about the heat although when they first thought the power would be out for a couple of days I was a little concerned! Actually the day the power was off it was really cold, if I had power the heat would have been on. There have been a couple of days I've had to turn the heat on...which I do not do unless really really cold. I hate having to turn the heat on (scared of those dollar signs :lol: )so there are times when I probably wouldn't if it wasn't for others or my cats or my fish :P 8)

I was more concerned about the filter and the water parameters. But this was a good test, since this is the first time that it was out for any length of time.


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