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Going away - what to do?


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We're planning on going to Aussie and will be away for about several days - what do I need to do to ensure my fishies will be ok while we are away? What to feed them with? are those white feeding blocks with the bits of food in them ok?? We don't have anyone close by that can call in every day and feed them so thats not an option.

What do you do when you go away??

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We've only got the one tank. Thats what I thought about the feeding blocks too, have used them in the past with other tanks. Always did wonder whether they were actually any good.

We live 30 mins from town (in the country!) where my parents live. I think it would be an unreasonable request for them to come out every day or even every second day to feed them. Our closest neighbours are old plus we don't know them very well. My husbands boss is just up the road, but I don't really trust him or his wife to look after them..

Can't really imagine moving the tank, that would be a hassle.....

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When we go away we arrange for someone to clear the letterbox and feed the fish. They do not need to be fed every day (in fact we leave our 4ft community tank, established several years, up to a week with no food and all are fine. Don't leave the big African cichlids that long though). Cut it back to every 2nd or 3rd day. The fish will be fine (unless you have fry).

Put pre-measured amounts of food into small plastic bags or pill bottles with the day written on them then hide the rest of the fish food. Get the person to empty each container into the tank(s) on the day stated.

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How long has the tank been set up? What fish are in it? How heavily stocked is it?

Would your parents be willing to make 1 or 2 trips to feed them? If so, pre-measure as I suggested and get them to do it every 4 or 5 days.

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If you need a feeder.. PM me.

works a treat and you select how much food you want to go and feed up to 3 times a day.

I would recommend using one if you are going away for more than a week. works best with pellets though

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I don't know, I don't think my parents would do that JUST to feed the fish.. its way out of their way and, well they are very conservative and don't like to use the car very much especially the way the petrol prices are now..

There are plants in there from the old tank, maybe they could munch on those for a while?

I think an auto feeder would be the best option, we do go away a couple of times a year.. so it might be worth getting one.

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Littlelater asked:

why would that be....it's not as though anyone knows where they live invercargil is a big place????

Was just a friendly warning.

Seem to recollect some time back a member showing some folks his prize discus collection.

He was away for a few hours shopping.. and on his return his tanks were bare of every discus he had.. and this is just one case.

Doesn't take long to find someones location.. and many members post their details here (often without thought)... often around holiday times.

Phone numbers are another thing..

Ring ring.. ring ring.. nobody there..

Only takes a few minutes to ruin someones life.

Sorry if it sounded harse.. but it's a reality.


Suggest you get a good timer and set it so that either your tank lights, or your house lights come on at certain times, plus have your mail stopped while you are away.


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