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Nice big tank.


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I like cookies comments... fruit stand!!

Shame I can't afford to buy a tank setup like that (bit by bit) and have to do it the hard way with a tile saw or get a forth morgage.

All the same wow... but money rooks !!

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Well, he explicitly states on pg. 1 and 3 that this tank is ~1 year old and at least some of the corals have been transferred over from his previous tank (presented on pg. 2), which definitely has that “grown reef lookâ€.

I like his dispar anthias, i wonder how long he can keep them alive.

Hard fish to keep long term unless you power feed them daily

I love those anthias as well. I just hope he has better success with them than I have. :( :oops:

I would say, give this tank a bit of time and we'll probably see it as a future RC TOTM.

Speaking of RC TOTM (and a bit off topic), we should nominate some of our NZ tanks for consideration. Some of the pictures that I've seen of various NZ tanks are certainly worthy of the title. :hail::bow:

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"Wow :o Why is it that our friends over in Germany have the most amazing tanks? Why is it that a lot of the innovative items coming onto the market come from Germany? New ideas (Balling) actually old but new. The best magazines I'm talking about Koralle magazine that's coral magazine here. which is one of the few magazines worth buying. Need some more examples check this out http://www.korallenriff.de/29interzoo/index.html some amazing products on there way click on the different company profiles on the left Tunze have some neat pumps on the way :D


Quite interesting. One explanation I read was that long before the rest of the world, Germany became quite eco conscious, and this included banning the importation of many marine species. ( This has since been lifted ). This forced the hobby to get pretty advanced about the care & propagation of their livestock, in fact a heckuva lot of the advances & innovations in the hobby come from Germany.

I guess also, in many feilds, German equipment has a reputation for quality, must be part of the national mentality.

Something of an aside, and perhaps not that PC, but I also read a thing in the paper where somebody had collated a lot of data to discover if any races are superior or otherwise intelligence wise, to other races. IQ was used as the detirminant.

Not all races were included, and unfortunately, not Chinese, which would have been interesting. However, the top race tested, with an average IQ of 108, was Germans. 2nd was Dutch, with an average of 107. Poms came in quite a few places down at 102. The dummest race tested came in at an average IQ of 96. Probably not a good idea for me to say who they were, but they are in a country that has been on the news lately, with a lot of fighting happening.

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Wasp I wouldnt put too much faith in IQ testing. We have been learning about them a lot in psychology.

The tests are always biased to those who write them. The only way that they are useful is when comparing people of the same cultural backgrounds and of the same age - and at the same point in history. Otherwise they are pretty pointless.

For example the average black american has an IQ of 15 points less than the average white american - but this has got nothing to do with race, it has been proven time and time again it's totally due to the childs' environment. Our lecturer used the analogy of sowing wheat seeds - there is the same amount of variation between the races - its just that some receive more fertiliser.

A funny trend was noticed that average IQ's go up about 15 points every thirty years, so new tests must be constantly revised. (we arent evolving, its just that technology has meant we use are brains more)

A weird thing about those results is - they standardise IQ tests so the mean is 100, with a standard deviation of 15. If you have an average test result of 96 - you dont have an IQ test. :D

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Yes, I am aware of all that, perhaps it's why Chinese were not included, no doubt a test could be devised compatable to their environement, but checking it is on a par with the European countries would not be an exact science.

Still interesting though.

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"abstraction of the controlable variables"

I don't know about others, but to keep mine running well, I make sure the bubbles a bubbling 1-2 per second, I make sure the outlet is dripping, starting at a fast 4/5 per second and don't bother resetting it until in almost stops, which takes a week or so. Take 2 minutes to open the tap and reset the water drip.

The main reason the calcium drops slowly is the 60 litre water changes I do at least once a week with red sea salt. Its low in calcium and slowly brings the system down over a few months.

Can't get much easier than that.

"abstraction of the controlable variables"

Ha Ha! It's technospeak Puttputt, a device used to make a simple thing like adjusting 2 knobs, sound complicated. :lol: :lol:

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"abstraction of the controlable variables"

Ha Ha! It's technospeak Puttputt, a device used to make a simple thing like adjusting 2 knobs, sound complicated. :lol: :lol:

:-? No, it's called English, and it's used to explain something.

It means that there is not a simple relationship between the variables you are controlling (bubble count, and flow rate), and the variables your trying to control (calcium and alkalinity).

Fo example if you increase the bubble rate by 1bps and the flow rate by 10mL/hr how easy is it to predict what the calcium and alkalinity in the tank will rise to? That's abstraction.

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