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There's something rotten in my fishtank


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And before you ask, no I haven't tested for anything :lol: :lol:

This is my little fishtank at work. I think it holds about 25 litres. I noticed it seemed smelly the other day so did a 25% water change. I checked today and it really stank.

It has 4 or 5 cardinals and 5 harlequin tetras in it and I had added 4 small clown loaches to get rid of the snail problem.

It has a built in filter at the top of the tank and the sponge was disgusting and stank. I have rinsed the sponge out and removed the clown loaches because they've done their job, and because they might have been overloading the tank. I also did another 25% water change but it still seemed a bit whiffy to me.

It has a thin sand base and quite a few plants for a tank that size and its been running smoothly for several months now.

Any suggestions as to what might be causing it and what else I could do about it? The water looks crystal clear although I know thats not an indication of its quality.



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a sock?


dad fish

blue green algae?

If you can wait till the end of next week I am sure you will have a lot of experts to look at the situation Because the fnzas conference is in Upper Hutt Next week.

We can all go down and sniff it for ourselves :lol:

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Also look under rocks.. ornaments.. or other fixtures for patches of gravel that have turned black.. (usually very smelly.. anorobic bacteria) due to decomposing food.. or perhaps a dead fish.

You may have disturbed some of it during a water change with the siphon.


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I don't think there are any dead fish but I will take everything out tomorrow to check- my receptionist counts them every morning - she's fascinated by the tank. When I arrive at work I get a report on how many there are and if they are doing anything unusual.

There is only a very thin layer of sand and no black areas that I can remember but I will have another good look and I will take everything out to see if I can find a body somewhere.

There's no ornaments apart from a small piece of driftwood with java fern on it and it smells ok. I took all the rocks out about a week ago so the snails couldn't hide from the loaches ...... :lol:

The fish look ok at this stage but there's definitely something wrong in there

Thanks everyone


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Witha tank that small it's also easy to over feed... Check that your receptionist isn't sneaking then extras. I discovered that my flatmates was doing this "Because they looked hungry" lost a few fish before I discovered the issue. :(

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you dont feed them shrimp pellets do you?

my first thoughts were the food or anerobic bacteria, that smells like sulfur *holds nose*

when was the last time you cleaned the filter out? perhaps it was just so gunky it was stinking everything out and now it might clear up?

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