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Some pics of my tank


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thanks for all the nice comments, to be fair, those first photos i posted on here were taken with my cell phone, these current photos are taken with my new cannon.

i had no idea how to take photos even when i borrowed my mums camera i was using the flash.

it has come along way, and i am still learning (i will always be learning)

dosing is the main thing i have altered, keep levels correct.

when i started 2 years ago i was only concerned with nitrite and ammonia, didnt even know what po4 or Kh was, didnt own a test kit for Ca. no one had told me about these things.

next on my list of things to do is auto top off and heater controller, then i will be looking at upgrading my tank, i have run out of room and as things grow i will need more space, not to mention all the tempting corals at jansens.

hmmmm 8x4x2ft, sounds good :D costs bad :evil:

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there growing well, the montis are about 2mm per week, i have some pics of when i added one of the montis, i wil put a then and now pic up. one acro is growing quite quickly but the others seem to be a bit slower.

the ca reactor is working perfectly, no extra doses in the last 6 weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

here is an update of my tank as of tonight.

my nitrate reading is 50, so i am interested to see what people think of my tank givin it current problem.

i have cleaned the glass and done yet another water change, that will make a total of 200ltrs in one week, havnt checked nitrate level tonight, but i will do tomorrow.







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thanks chimera! when you posting some pics?

i have tried another test kit, aquarium pharmaceuticals, still reads about 50 but that test kit is older than the salifert one, exp on salifert is 07/2007 so should be fine, might see if i can get someone local to test it with there test kit and see if there is a difference.

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yep, NSW reads 0

guess i just have a nitrate problem that i cant find the cause of.

i used a power head to blow out all the rocks and behind the reef, bugger all came out, stirred up all the sand, a bit came out but very little really.

i have put some filter wool in between my baffles in the sump tonight, its been there for 5hrs so far and its reasonably clean, so its got me stumped.

must be my blue tang, he is bigger than my hand, and would eat a whole lot more than I'm feeding. i want a system that will allow me to dump a heap of food in the tank and not have a nutrient problem, that's my goal at the moment.

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JDM what do you keep your kh readings at I have read that if your nitrates are high keep your kh up around 12, I have been doing this for months now.

I have to dose baking soda every second day reef and cracker think I have my calium to high at 500 or just under so am letting it drop to at least 450.

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With zeovit, I can’t run po4 remover and can’t have my kh up high, my kh is around 8. i have a fludized filter ready for po4 remover when i remove zeovit. and i have a sulphur denitrator on order.

I have an aqua medic ca reactor, I am using the media that came with it.

your clams started to open last night kp, I like the light tan one, the other had only just started to open when the lights went off, so we will se how it goes tonight.

Is the theory behind maintaining a high kh while nitrate is high, to do with calcification for sps?

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