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Plumping AP850 from 1260 pump / chiller


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my 2 cents worth...

a laguna would be a better pump than 20,000lph pump - that is just insane and maybe too much flow - i think you will have an issue with skimmer dwell time (the amount of time the bubbles stay in the chamber) i would sell it and get something with a little slower turn over then, if you still want to use the 20klph pump, concentrate your efforts on getting it setup in a closed loop for water movement within the display tank. you running an AP902? recommended H20 throughput on this model is about 3,500lph so a laguna at 7klph would be ideal - assuming same sized piping at the T, 50% of water to the skimmer and 50% continuing from the T will take the remainder of the flow.

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an 850 and 20,000lph?!!! holy cow... :o an 850 requires about 1,500lph water throughput. is the skimmer actually working?!!! ok so it's a 1/2" input so it wont squeeze that flow through it but i'd say it would still manage more than the required amount. will see if i can roughly work out maximum flow through a 1/2" pipe (excluding friction loss etc)

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Dam I don't need another $50 a month on my power bill.

With the L7 the flow through the OM rev's (2 work at a time) is very little. I can only just feel the flow through them 3inch away. The 20,000L pump makes them work real nice with good flow out of them. I have 2x 90deg's and 2 x 45deg fittings in my return pipe with about 3.5m head. The 20,000 pump will only be flowing about 10,000l with head loss.

I will also have 2 x 6100 streams in the tank.

Am I better to run the L7 with little flow and the streams? Will this be enough flow? There is still too much for the skimmer alone if I turn down the sump tap.

This system will cost $120month to run with the BIG pump and 2 x 250MH + 4 T5'S and extra skimmer pump and heaters etc

I have $300 amonth now bill with my 4ft. Dam Dam.

Can the 850 return from the skimmer go through a bulk head fitting in to the bottom of the sump? Or best to feed from the top of the sump?

I have emptied the sump and are replumping.

Anyone what to come for a look in the weekend and offer some advice?

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I have a cunning new plan... 2 x pumps.

L7 from the sump to under the floor than another pump to give it a boost in to the tank.

Total 180watts.... half the cost per month.

What do you think?

Also re plumbed the skimmer and pump retutn, I hope this will work.

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L7 from the sump to under the floor than another pump to give it a boost in to the tank.

what? like 2 sumps with a pump from each? not going to happen. or do you mean the outlet of one pump directly feeds the inlet of the other? no way that will work either, these types of pumps dont work with back pressure (on the contrary, a peristaltic pump does) save yourself the hassle and get an iwaki. it'll last ages. from marine depot, i landed an md-rlt55 for about $580 (brand new, including shipping and including gst) they are $1,000+ here. it will last you AGES!

or are you talking about a separate pump feeding the skimmer in like a "sump closed loop" fashion?

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It won't be backpressure if the pumps are in a series, the lower pump would actually be running at less backpressure than with it pumping all the way into the main tank and the higher pump will be partially force fed water so will be sort of working at negative head. It should work well.

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Why would this not work?

back pressure perhaps the wrong terminology (?) but trust me it wont work (or more to the point, it might work but there are reasons against doing it) you're pumping water from one pump into the inlet of another (force feeding it) you've got 2 things to worry about. 1, is the 2nd pump getting enough water from the first? if not the 2nd pump will be trying to suck water from the first, maybe causing cavitation? secondly, if the first is pumping more than the 2nd can take, that puts back pressure on the first pump causing wear and tear. then you have to account for pressure loss at the specific head height of the 2nd pump, not to mention cost of running two pumps - more things to go wrong etc. you are making things far too complex for yourself, you're doing a workaround for something that should easily be able to run with a single pump. design it right in the first place and save yourself the hassle long term.

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Very true.. I have 2 x 6100 stream in the tank I think they can do the work.

Adding salt agin after not washing the sand enough and had to empty the tank and start again.... flow is quite good when I watch the salt vaper get blown around with just L7 and no streams. I think I will stick with this.

Should have stuck to skatboarding...

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