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My Goldfish tank has gone all cloudy. It's been established for about 2 months now and it's been getting weekly water changes. I have no idea why its suddenly gone a white cloudy colour. I've done a water change but overnite its gone back to being just as cloudy......any ideas?

And now one of my goldfish is acting funny. He keeps sinking. It's a real effort for him to swim and he keeps heading up to the surface and gulping air.....any ideas?

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Sounds like a bacteria outbreak.

What size is the tank?

How many goldfish?

What size goldfish?

What type of filter?

How much water do you change weekly?

How much do you feed daily?

Put the sick fish in plactic container and sit it in the tank (so its away from the other fish).

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its a 20 gallon tank and both the goldfish are quite small at about 3 inchs. I'm using a hang on power filter which seems to be working fine. I change about 20% every week. Before this outbreak the water had been crystal clear for ages. It could be possible that my daughter over fed them at some stage but I would of thought that a water change would of cleared it back up.

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Did you know that shelled peas are good for goldfish? I feed mine peas once a week.

Put the sick fish in plactic container and sit it in the tank (so its away from the other fish).

I didn't know you could do that? Ah, don't the other fishies just swim in? :-? :-?

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Thanx for all the info. I added a salt doasge to the tank to help the sick goldfish recover and I also placed a corner filter in as well to give a helping hand to the main filter. The result overnite is that it has cleared up almost back to crystal. :D And it looks like the sick goldfish has started swimming with a bit more ease to.....hopefully on his way to full recovery.

Thanx again.

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That's wonderful news lowndsie. I'd do another water change in 2 or 3 days to help things along. Remember that the balance (cycle) of you tank has been upset by this. Wouldn't hurt to treat it like a new tank again for a while. Maybe do 2 water changes this week and go from there?

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Like Caper, I also feed my goldfish peas once a week. They love them! I also fast them one day a week.

Now that it is coming into winter it is even more important not to overfeed them if the tank is unheated. In the cooler weather their systems slow down although they will remain active. I only feed mine once a day at this time of year. I just checked the temperature of the tank today and it has dropped to 16 degree celcius with the wet weather we have had here.

I hope your tank stays clear (after all we keep fish so we can look at them!).


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Yeah it is. It's still not back to full health but it seems not to be struggling as much. It's still going to the surface for air alot but it's not sinking like a stone anymore. It's a runt of a goldfish but my daughter brought it cause she felt sorry for it, so I hope it pulls through.

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