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terracotta pots


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hi again

yeah i just use the ones from the ones u can buy from the garden centre and make any cuts i want with a fine tooth hacksaw then sand down any sharp corners. soak it in water over nite with 2 drops per litre of masterpet sterilizer which i do with anything before i put in to the tank.

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Yep, your common garden terracotta pots will do just fine.

Couldn't agree more with fishboi; rinsing stuff before it goes in your tank is a very good habit to get into. We (Modern Angl and I) are still waging war on leeches which came in gravel we bought to set up our first ever tank around a year and a half ago. We washed it with lukewarm water because, being new to it all, we didn't consider that we'd need to kill off any bugs. We only took account of dirt/foreign bodies and potential contaminants. We boil all our gravel now, and have been lucky enough to find a couple of gouramies and a fire eel that like to make dinner out of leeches :).

Leeches don't live on the fish or do any harm to them - they're just really, really annoying! A pain in the tush if you get them on you, too.

(don't mind me, I'm in a silly mood today).

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Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate is really good too. You buy it as a powder and only need small amounts to add to water. When it's purple colour it's strong and kills anything organic. It's useful to make a light (pink) solution and soak new plants in it for ½ an hour to kill any snails, snail eggs, and any other bugs like leeches? eww reminds me of that stand by me movie hehe.

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Soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate is really good too. You buy it as a powder and only need small amounts to add to water. When it's purple colour it's strong and kills anything organic. It's useful to make a light (pink) solution and soak new plants in it for ½ an hour to kill any snails, snail eggs, and any other bugs like leeches? eww reminds me of that stand by me movie hehe.

So THAT'S what the "Pink" we use for cleaning at work is.

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