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Temperature probe


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Need some advice as I know nothing about this stuff.

I'm wanting to stick a probe in the tank that can measure temperature, and if it gets to a certain point turn the fan on, then if it climbs a little more turn the chiller on also.

What is the best option? Big deal for me it MUST be failsafe.

I know you're making one Layton how's that going? And what else is out there?

No panic now as things are cooling down but this is a little project I'd like to sort during the winter in time for next summer.

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I purchased a chinese Resin chiller and you plug your heater in to the chiller so it heat and cools when needed. Digital temp display etc.

Has work great but quite noisy... we call it the 747. But I like it for the cost and it has been working for a couple of years with out fault.

Now will be under the house :P

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I got a Resin too, been running perfect now for 5 years. Figured out how to kill the noise, if you get the feet exactly level, it doesn't knock & is surprisingly quite.

But what I'm wanting to do is have a fan come on just before the chiller, so that the chiller won't be working all the time. I want the chiller to just be in a backup type role.

At the moment I've got a fan on a timer, but it's not quite a perfect system because if it's a cooler day the fan just comes on anyway. I'd like to go a little higher tech and have it come on when needed.

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So really, you don't want to touch the chiller.. you just want to put the fan on a thermostat of some sort - because if the fan works, the chiller won't come on anyway :)

I can't help with the implementation, but hopefully that helps with the design a little.

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So really, you don't want to touch the chiller.. you just want to put the fan on a thermostat of some sort - because if the fan works, the chiller won't come on anyway :)

I can't help with the implementation, but hopefully that helps with the design a little.

Well yes I guess I could do that, then I'd only need a single stage controller. Just thought if they got a bit out of calibration with each other might end up with the chiller coming on first, but even if that happened it would be easily fixed. So perhaps your idea would be the simplest ( and cheapest ) Misnoma.

I have a temp controller which turns on either the chiller or the heaters when the temp moves up or down
Where from? How much? :D
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There was a thread awhile ago that had this info.

From what i no, it is easy/cheap to get a controller that heats and cools.

But heaps more for one that heats, and has two cool setpoints.

You should be able to pick one up at rexel.

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