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wild A. hongsloi spawn


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i would think they would be easy to sex. males are normally brightly coloured, sometimes with fin extensions and females are just very bland, often grey or yellowish, however i dont know much about the MacM species so not totally sure. a google never hurt :lol:

i would personally ditch the kribs out of the group, they get alot bigger and can pack a bit more punch if they get into a moody lol. you will probably have enough probs if the two male apistos meet at territory boundaries, or the females get into a tiff :lol: just make sure you have alot of caves and natural dividers to make it harder for them to run into each other. if you have the the MacM and the Cockatoo male with their own harems each and their terrtories your ram might also have a problem, it probably wont fare too well if it bumps into a male defending his girlfriends and territories. not being a downer, just letting you know of a few scenarios that may happen.

good luck and i hope old ant can sort out the sexes and species for ya :bounce:

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thanks sharn for the advice. I mite keep the kribs in the community tank then just to be safe. :D Yeah well one mac seems a lot darker in colour than the other one which seems more yellow. but the darker one tends to sit up on top of the filter, so maybe hes stressed? his fins arent clamped or anything tho. and they arent very big yet either.

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i think a male would most definitely help. if the "main tank" is bigger than the one theyre in now, sure...will give them more room, and they will have to re-create their territories, if you do, put the least dominant one in first.

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Sorry antwan your latest post should read most apisto's are harem breeders not all.

Some of the species I have are not harem breeders.

The Mac's and Cockatoo's are however harem spawners.

Recomended smallest tank for a pair or small trio is 50lt (standard 600x300x300mm).

By the way congrates on the Biteaniatum spawning, my Honsloi breed all the time(large eggs for apisto's the classic red, unlike some) unfortunatly there not in the correct spawning set up yet for the eggs to hatch.

Good luck 2fishy

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I bought all the species he had in the first shipment, unfortunately a few species Phil only had males but that’s the way it goes some times.

Others are a nice surprise, bought some Eurotus but they turned out to be Maulburter a lovely mouth brooding apisto

Anybody know were I can get female lyre tail panduro and nijsseni


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No sorry I don't have any pic's and will not a able to take any for a while, there quit scitish.

The Hongsloi males do not look like the pic's on the net, the first colour to go from the wild strain is the blue hence all the red in the man made colour forms that come up when you Google.

I've had a look at Phil's stock and there was only one male and I got him. :D

Keep hold of your female and I will have fry in the future, as I said they lay eggs all the time.

When they were moved yesterday I found 2 females with eggs and I'm not even feeding them with live food which always gets Apisto's breeding fast.

The sump to the Apisto breeding unit will be installed today, so it wont be long before I'm up and running then I may have some spare pairs available of a few species but not Hongsloi.

Do you know any one with male Apisto baenschi aka "inca 50" I've only one male and loads of females.

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nah, sorry unfortunately i dont know of anyone other than a couple of people that got the wilds from Phil, and they didnt get any of those... Wow, i would fully be keen on some pairs if you have some spare. Nice to see someone setting up an apisto breeding program, will be great to get them through the country.

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:lol: I can't wait either, it seems to be taking me forever to finish.

A few of the species I will have spare are wild cockatoo's very pritty fish but not like the man made ones, cruzi and norberti.

What biteaniatum did you get as I have two strains blue and orange, are you able to get a clearer pic of your male if you don't know??

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  • 2 months later...

An update, i finally have free swimming fry! I was just about to give up hope with them and put them in the com tank when I saw mum with these little beauts. Only about 7-10 there... but yay.

proud mother and fry




I know he's a bit blurry but he's coloured up amazingly these last few months.

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