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Hello from Upper Hutt


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Greetings from Upper Hutt! Looking at some of the posts it appears that I have more fishy neighbours in this area than I thought. :lol:

Having moved into a new house I acquired a JEBP 200 litre corner tank to replace my old one and very nice it is too. Just getting throught the cycling process now. I have had real problems with green algae :evil: but removing phosphates and higher percentage UV lights appear to be doing the job at last. :D . Not quite sure what I'll do with the old tank but the garage is large and there's no reason a guy can't have 2/3/4/? tanks is there???

I have had a community tank for many years but have decided to take the plunge and establish a discus tank this time. I had a few discus years ago and loved them but then started moving around too much to be able to give them the care they needed. I'll be ready to stock the tank in 2-4 weeks so any local breeders out there getting ready to sell some stock please let me know.

I'd also be keen to meet up with any Upper Hutt/Wellington discus people and view your set up ie. sponge your good ideas.

Thanks already for the tips and ideas on the site. I look forward to being able to contribute where I can.

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Hi mikel,

Welcome to the FNZAS Forums, Great to have you here :D:D:D, lots of great people here full of knowledge, about the wonderful hobby of Fish Keeping.

Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have, remember " if you dont ask you wont know" :wink::wink:

I am sure the person that Jude is talking about, that has Discus, will post on here soon. I too am hoping to set up a Discus Tankies, someday real soon, Ohhhhh they such pretty wee fellas.

Anyways Good Luck with your now tank :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Hello :P

there's no reason a guy can't have 2/3/4/? tanks is there???

Well, of course NOT, how else can you have a good case of MTS...hehe...and...to warn you... there is no cure...HAHAHAHA :-?

Take care,


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Mikel you are surrounded by fishkeepers there with a very active Kapi-Mana club meeting in Tawa as well as a Wgtn club that meets umm, can't remember but check out Sue Fleet's posts as she has the information in her signature line! :lol:

Kapi-Mana are hosting the FNZAS conference at Queen's Birthday this year so now isd a good time to get involved!

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