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Hi all,

My partner and I just started our first tank. Goodness only knows when we'll have a next one (maybe in a couple of month's time :P )

Anyway, we have an AquaOne AR380 with the usual bunches of aquatic flora. We now have a couple of Khulis (K1 & K2) and Bristlenoses (Spot & Patch).

We're thinking of adding 2 Flame Dwarf Gouramis next week and Siamese Fighting Fish (1 male & maybe 3 females) the following week.

Would the Gouramis pose a problem to the fighting fish? ie Fin nipping etc etc?

Would the tank be too crowded?

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Welcome to the site.

Got no idea what size the tank is by your tradename of it so I wont hazard a guess at the population of the said tank.

I like you method of just adding a few fish at a time tho.

When did you first set it up could make me change my mind tho.

As far as the gouramies and fighters go, I think they'll be fine.

Don't be too sure of when you'll be geeting your next tank, but start planning for a fishroom now,

A freezer shipping container makes a reasonably cheap, finished product.

Only about $2000, but you'll need to arrange trensport, ower connection and siting and removal from the transport.


Alan 104

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Hi BenAKL,

Welcome to the FNZAS Forums and Congratulations on the purchase of your first tank, believe me it may be your first, but I'm sure it wont be your last. :lol: :lol:

Good to hear that you are not adding to many Fishys to your Tankies to start with, as I am sure you have been told about cycling your tank, and that this can be done by adding a small number of Fishys to begin the cycling process.

It is also a good idea to have a Test Kit, to test the parameters of the water that your Fishy's are living in, so it can be kept in Tip Top Condition.Good Water Conditions means less Fishy Problems.

You say you are wanting to add some Fighters to your tank, not sure about the males and females together, in the wild the only time these Fishy's get together is to mate, so the only time they should be kept together is if you are wanting to breed them, and then this should only be when the male has made a bubble nest and the female has then laid her eggs, the female should then be removed from the tank, if she is not removed it could end in the death of the female. If you are wanting to have the two females together they will be fine but the male must be kept in a jar floating in the tank or a special little tank of his own, the only time male and female should come together is to mate.

Maybe do a search to get abit more info on this before you go ahead and add all three fishys together.

Remember if you have any fishy questions that you need answering I am sure there will be someone here that will be able to help. :wink::wink:

Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce:


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I'd like to thank everyone who replied to my post :)

you guys ROCK! :hail:

thank you so much for your advice.

PS - Yes, We're already thinking of a huge tank! ha!

Ah yes! just got back from Hollywood @ Albany. Got us a digital thermometre (don't ask... ha!), Ph kit and some freeze dried Tubifex.

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hi and welcome benakl :D

i also started with an ar380 and theyre a good little tank. probably wouldnt put any more than youre sayin at this stage. but hey, im sure youll have a couple more tanks before long anyway :wink: .

(i now have 4 tanks)

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hi and welcome benakl :D

i also started with an ar380 and theyre a good little tank. probably wouldnt put any more than youre sayin at this stage. but hey, im sure youll have a couple more tanks before long anyway :wink: .

(i now have 4 tanks)



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