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Dividing an anemone in 1/2, photoguide


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This topic was discussed a few months ago and I showed a couple of pics although not enough for someone to properly understand how to do it.

I divided an anemone a few days ago and this time I have photo journaled the whole process so others can see how it is done.

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Here is the anemone before cutting. It has just run into a powerhead & is a little unhappy, mouth hanging out a little.


On the chopping board ready to be cut.


Cutting. Cut straight down right through the centre of the mouth.


After cutting.


Here they are 1/2 hour after being returned to the tank, they have begun to expand. This is the critical stage they are very vulnerable to infection. Water must be extremely clean and flow set just right.


Four days later two healthy and almost healed anemones :D . Normally takes a week or so for them to heal, but in this case here they are already joined back together in only 4 days, danger period for infection is now past. The mouths are still not properly formed it will be several weeks before they are ready to take food. For this reason anemones must be in good shape before dividing them.

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Are there actually people who consider this cruel?

These are incredibly simple organisms - one of the most simple multi-celled organisms around.

The funny thing about evolution - like female spiders eating their newly mated husbands, its obviously not fun for the male, but he got to reproduce, and thats the name of the game.

I'd be more worried about standing on ants which have a far more impressive nervous system - and a brain. :D

Mechanical reactions to chemical/mechanical stimulations is how the anemone "thinks", so it's pretty much a robot.

Dont take it too hard on yourself Wasp, real anemones dont cry. :lol:

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It looks cruel, is it possible to do it a slow way, like a really tight rubber band right around the middle, could that make it want to split??

??? you think a quick knife through the middle is less humane than a tight rubber band around the waist? ha hahaaaa!!!!

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I don't know if you can really call it cruel. I don't think they have a central nervous system to feel pain. And it's not any "crueller" than breaking branches off SPS or cutting pieces off soft corals.

I doubt a rubber band would be a good idea. Like Steve says, it'd probably slip off and if you had it tight enough it doesn't it would probably do a LOT more damage than a nice clean cut by tearing its way through. Almost garauntee it would be a fatal injury.


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Pain is ultimately a perception, and not an objective bodily state.

An anemone cannot feel pain, it's nervous system allows it to react to a stimulus. Just like if someone chopped your head off, and (quickly) gave you that reflex test they always show in the movies - the little jab in the knee with the funny triangular hammer.

Your leg will kick back, but damned if your gonna care about it. :D

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