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Tropical Fish Combination? suggestions!!!


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Hi there.

Really friendly types that won't grow too big are:

Neon/cardinal tetra

Glowlight tetra

Cherry barbs

Golden barb

Emerald eye rasbora

Bristle nose catfish

Zebra danio

Black widow tetra

All but the catfish are shoaling fish, and it's better when you get at least

six of each, as it keeps the fish happier.

There are plenty of other fish you can get too, but most will probably grow too big for your tank if you get too many.

Research the fish you like for the sizes they will grow to and the water conditions they like.

Also under the beginners heading, is where you can find out how many fish you can have per square inch of surface area.

good luck with your tank.

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Neons, good varity and cheep

will except most types of fish, they mix well with others(not cichilds)

its up to you in the end, get what you like the look of. find out about the fish you like first,some don't get on that well together and some will out grow that tank of yours very fast.

search the internet and if you are not sure this is a good place to start asking questions

good luck on your choice

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There's a huge variety of tropicals you can choose from,

I have in a 330 ltr Tank just to give you some idea,

2 Angels

Golden gourami's

3 Spot Gourami's

Black Widows

Rosy Barbs

Golden Barbs


Black Neons

Clown loaches

Red Tailed Botia's

Panda Cats

Peppered Cats

Bristlenose Catfish

Zebra Danios

Can't think of anything else,No doubt I've missed somebody out, all of these Fishy's live very happily together, so I't really about what you like the look of and how big they will grow to be.

Happy fishing


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Good choices! May I recommend neon tetras rather than cardinals? Cardinal tetras are about 8x more expensive and a bit harder to care for. More of a "beginner" fish, if you will :) The only difference between them at your level of experience is that neons only have half a blue line while cardinals have a full red and blue line.... later on you'll learn about breeding and genetics and all that jazz...

Also, get one male betta for the females, no point having them feel lonely :lol:


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yer more than one female betta as long as there are no fin nipping fish but you can only have one male...so they tell me

Yup definately only one male in a tank.

They aren't called fighting fish for nothing. Which is a shame, because they are beautiful fish. Also with your guppies, be carefull as they are prolific breeders, and you may suddenly find your tank filling up with guppy fry (babies). The males have the stunning tales, so you could maybe just have males? If you do go for pairs, just keep an eye on their breeding as you could fast find your tank running out of room.

Also another friendly pretty fish, is the platy.

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As far as the guppies go i might stay with males only. Now is there a web site for fish that you can get in New Zealand...no point working out what im going to put in the tank only to find you can not get this kind or that kind in NZ

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With a tank of male-only guppies you will find that the tails will be nipped and they'll just chase each other around all day anyways. I think it's a bit mean, personally. Guppies breeding is NOTHING to be afraid of, you just save the babies if you want and when they grow up you can sell them on TradeMe or to friends, otherwise leave them as free food for the other fish in the tank :)

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Yes I agree with MCT :bounce: , bottom dwellers and feeders like corys and sucker mouth catfish look after any uneaten food that gets to the gravel and gives the tank a good balance. The suckermouth catfish help eat algae also. Corys need to be kept in a group and are cute and lively. :D

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The pet shop said that i could get away with 2 Females and 1 mail Betta with my above list with 2 or 3 Bronze cats as well. (i think that Bristlenose catfish would be better), But what i need is some larger fish that would set the tank off.

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