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Sad looking tank


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My tank has been looking really sad for the last month or so. I made two changes about that time, I don't know if they're related. I changed my fluidized media reactors with carbon and antiphos so they're being fed by my return pump and started feeding Reef Booster. All my palythoa polyps have closed up and haven't opened in about a month. All my zoanthids have closed up, one of my leathers is looking grumpy constantly, one of the heads of my hammer coral has died and my new green hammer is dying off(I'm pissed off about that)

I've done 2 changes with NSW in the last month.

My tests are

Magnesium: 1300

Calcium: 420

PH: 8.1

Nitrates: 7ish

KH: 5.4

SG: 1.026

I know the KH is way low, I somehow missed testing that the last time or two :-? Not sure how. Would that be the cause of the problems?

Is it possible I've OD'd on carbon by upping the flow through the reactors? Maybe it's absorbed too much of something I can't test for?

Possible overdosing on Reef Booster? I've been feeding the normal weekly dose(1 vial a week) every second week.

So any ideas? Doesn't help that I'm leaving on a trip for 2 weeks next weekend. Bad timing, tank dying, dog dying...

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Could be many reasons.

Low kh can cause problems.

Something with your saltwater, joys of using seawater, did not a sewer line break sometime ago around Wellington?

Too much po4 remover or carbon, probably the problem.

salinity 1.026?? How do you test this? Maybe get it down a bit.

Get your kh up a bit and turn off the carbon and po4 .

Reduce your halides by a couple of hours.

Don’t add anything.

Wait and see

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Ira, My advice:

1: Remove carbon.

2: Do a 50% water change NOW with water you know is good.

3: raise KH back to 10 all in one hit with baking soda, (1 x Heaped teaspoon per 300 litres = 2DKH)


Feed sparingly.

There is nothing else you can do.

If after a week things havent changed do one more 50% water change.


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Beforehand I'd been using ASW for 3-4 months, the reason I got some NSW is because the tank was looking bad. So, since the NSW came after the problem started it's not due to the NSW.

Just retested the salinity, it's a bit more like 1.025. Tested with a refractometer.

I'm thinking I'll leave the carbon out for good. No noticable difference from having it in.

Hmm, Yeah, I think I'll mix up a batch of ASW and do a big water change. I can't do a 50% though, not without dropping the water level past a couple corals and my anemone and draining my sump dry.

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No, the corals colors are about the same. Well, except the leather that's grumpy, it's gray instead of its normal tan.

Cracker, I never noticed any change in water color from befor or after adding carbon. I only added it because people tell me I should. O_o

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KH: 5.4

That would be my first pick. Fix that and more than likely things will perk up in a couple of weeks. KH is the tanks main source of carbon, and is generally limiting already, so when it gets down that low, it can cause real problems.


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Reading the thread again i pick the problem is the low Kh, which could have be caused by the antiphos.

Antiphos/rowaphos tend to drop kh fast which in my experiance causes problems especially if you use more than what the instruction say.

Best just do 20% water chnage and get the Kh up. also again reduce lighting as the coral wont need much light when damaged.

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Instead of shortening the lights timing I've just raised it up about a foot.

If the problem turns out to be because of the low KH I'm going to start banging my head on the floor like this :hail: for missing something so obvious, and not testing it since, according to my records, December 2nd.

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Ummm, Not sure exactly, I didn't measure exactly. A handful or two more than in this picture.


I started it with that much, added another handful after 2 weeks then a couple weeks later I changed the plumbing around so the return pump was blowing through it.

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Well I hope it is the KH, although I have to say I've had KH lower than that with no major problems.

I googled antiphos but was not able to get the precise formula, however if it is one of those aluminium based ones that leaches aluminium, that can cause problems, in fact, the same problems you've got.

If fixing the KH does not solve things, before you go away I'd pull both the carbon & the antiphos, and do a big (75%) + waterchange, then try to narrow things down when you get back. Perhaps change to an iron based phosphate resin & see what happens.

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Yeah, I've yanked the carbon and phosphate resin out, it's not going back in for a looong time. And I'll do as big of a water change as I can with ASW, about 30-40%. I'm not so sure I want to do that though, because I'm tending to blame a lack of something in the ASW. Although, I don't have any justification for that.

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