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Tank on fridge?!?


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Hey guys!

A quick question: I have a tiny 1 foot tank I would like to keep running as a quarantine/breeding tank.

Is it alright to put it on the fridge or will the potential guests be disturbed by the fridge's vibrations?

Any thoughts? :roll:

Thanks, Dan

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Hi Dan,

If I was you, I wouldn't place this tank on top of the fridge, not only because of the vibration from the fridge, but also because everytime someone goes into the fridge this is going to cause the fishies some sort of disturbance.

Maybe wait and see what other replies you get for this post before you decide what to do, other people may think this is fine.

Good Luck and Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce:


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What size is the fridge? They are not meant to carry heavy weights and I would be concerned about the weight of the tank damaging the fridge. The fish won't mind the vibrations. One of my tanks sits on a 3ft high speaker and when I turn the sound up you can feel the vibrations through the wooden floor. Fish don't react at all after the initial bass boom :wink:

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Thanks for all the replies! Helpful as always :D

LYNDYLOO: You have a point with the fridge door being opened and possibly causing disturbance. As it's just Kim and me though, it should be ok. Especially because in our previous house we used to have a tank on the kitchen workbench and have gotten used to always GENTLY close the kitchen drawers... so now we just would need to memorise that it's the fridge door :wink:

Alan: That's what I would have thought as well. The thought about vibrations in river beds make sense, even though I am not sure if it's the case. I checked the top of the fridge and, no, unfortunately no heat comes off the top - would have been a nice way of recycling power :lol:

alanmin4304: Initially that was my biggest concern but this one doesn't vibrate as strongly. To avoid any surprises I thought of putting a non-slippy rubber matt in between.

Caryl: The fridge is about 135 cm high and as the tank is tiny I don't think that weight is an issue - had the microwave there and the little tank should weigh about the same. Right now the tank is standing on the kitchen table and is filled with water + gravel - I can still lift it :bounce: (and I am not into weight lifting or anything like that :lol: ) I reckon it weighs about 10-15kg.

Well, after hearing your opinions, and considering the fact that it's not going to carry any fish initially and is going to be a quarantine/breeding tank anyway - I think I'll just give it a try and let you know how 'badly' it goes :roll:

Thanks everyone :D

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Ok, the tank has been sitting on the fridge the whole day and hasn't moved an inch. To make sure I actually could tell whether it is moving I draw thin lines with a pen around the matt it's sitting on... (and btw it's not even a non-slippy one!)

The weight hasn't been an issue. Heating was a bit problematic - but that's just due to the heater, which is way too big for the little tank. Got it sorted out now though - just a matter of finding the right setting :)

Thanks for all the help folks :D

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