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Julii and or Panda catfish


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You are right Alan, what I have is actually Corydoras trilineatus

I thought that as every one I have seen are called Julii cats, that that was just what they are called here in NZ.

I think the trilineatus is actually prettier than the julii.

At the moment I have 3 I am looking for 3 more. also need about 4 more panda cats.

Thanks for clarifying that for me!


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I have bred panda cories... what I did was did a whole bucket water change everyday for a week with water that was the same pH (slightly acidic) but a few degrees celsious cooler. I didn't think it was working until I found 4 fry that were quite large. The eggs are quite big and the fry quite big when they hatch so can go straight on to microworm and bbs. This was also done in a small community tank with neons in it. Will try them by themselves in a dedicated cory only tank soon, will let you know how i get on.

ps i have trilineatus too! the julii has more spots but i think the trilineatus looks slightly better too.

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  • 5 months later...


Few members have stock list as offered via banners.

If you had then you would know that i have true corys including Jullii and Panda and many more but these are the last of my imports from Peru forever.

Must say a bid dissappointed with menbers as very few have actually purchased any Amazon Fish

But many ive kept and will be breeding here,some actually started like Apistogramma.

But if you want the real fish then still some in stock

Banners should by now be stopped as not effective.

Phill Collis

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