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Posting pictures


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It's just copying and pasting really, copy the URL of the image and paste it inbetween some img tags. Takes a good 10 seconds.

I suspect he doesnt have photobucket set up...

Hi Alan,

How is this going?

As someone suggested... go to http://www.photobucket.com and create an account.

Then. Using the options on photo buket you need to "upload" your pic's to your account.

I would suggest you resize any pics BEFORE you upload them, it makes the upload smaller.

When you upload them you will see a sample of the pic and some "link" options.

One is called IMG (so you see this i will delete 1x square bracket [ at the beginning.)


That is what an "Image tag" looks like, and thats what you need to paste into your messages to show pics.

When the forum thread loads instead of putting in text, it will download teh pic from teh photo bucket server and display it for all too see :D

Unfortunatly threads arent like emails and you cant just "paste " a pic from your computer, also you cant really paste a "link" to the file directly off your computer ( computer geeks bite your tongues ok!! :lol: ) What happens when you turn your PC off???

Hope that helps a bit


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Nah, let him learn for himself.

Give a man a fish vs teaching him how to fish... old concept still applies.

other version I heard was

'Build a Man a Fire and He'll be warm for the night, Set a Man on Fire and He'll be warm for the rest of his Life' :)

Note - This was an attempt at Humour, I don't condone going around setting random people on fire, unless they really deserved it!

ho hum, back to copying all my CDs to computer I guess..... :D

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A very good example of how these random bits of "wisdom"/analogies/whatever are completely misleading.

I have always marvelled at how someone can spew out whatever random "saying" they can weakly link to a discussion and consider it proof of argument.

The same goes for analogies. I have seen many people describe a weak analogy and then go on to conclude all sorts of things by reasoning from WITHIN THE ANALOGY?? Suffice to say this is complete nonesense.

BTW - no offence to the above person - almost everybody appears to do it.

Noam Chomsky refers to them as "truisms", or things that we believe to be true without any sort of qualification or need for justification. We use them as gospel truths and never actually analyse them to see if they are correct or are still applicable.

e.g. "The market forces will solve this problem."

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I ranted about exactly that here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/3-vt10 ... l?start=30

great minds think alike... or wait is that another truism?!! argh

Absolutely another truism. "Great minds" have always debated, theorised and disagreed like crazy. That is a large part of made them great.

In fact, our greatest minds usually flew in the face of popular thought and were discounted in the beginning. (truisms at work again)

Analogies are used for UNDERSTANDING, not proving conclusions.

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