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HELP Nitrate Levels Sky High


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Hi Guys,


Just did some testing of the water in my tropical tank, readings are:

PH 6

Ammonia 0

Nitrites 0

Nitrates over 160

Did a water change yesterday and added a few more new plants, this tank is heavily planted and has been for months, don't know what has caused this and how do I fix it, read in the Master Test Kit, doing water changes can make this worse, what do I do? :-? :-?

Any HELP would be great.


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There's a few products that you can purchase to combat nitrites and nitrates. Since your tank is well-established I actually recommend them, but for people with new tanks LET THEM CYCLE, DON'T USE THEM!!!

Two products that can defeat nitrate/ite spikes are - Prime and Nitra-zorb. Prime is a dechlorinator that can be used at 5x the standard dose to wipe out high levels (almost immediate) and Nitra-zorb is a bag that you put in your filter or just drop in your tank and it absorbs the levels slowly.

Good luck!

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So what do you guys advice me to do then?

Should I start by doing a water change, I cant get any of this Prime until tomorrow anyway, do you think my fish will be OK untill then, is this likely to cause any deaths, they are all looking quite happy at the moment, what do you guys suggest I do re: the PH when I put this Prime in the tank then, do I add PH up while I'm getting rid of these Nitrates, and what causes the Nitrates to get so high?

Thanks for the help Lynda

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5-10% water change and monitor your levels daily to see the affects. Prime is a bit drastic, I suppose, as pointed out by Stu. Main thing is to determine what caused the nitrate spike. With a heavily planted tank this shouldn't happen unless you have say.... a piece of rotting driftwood.

Once you figure out the problem and deal with it, I think regular water changes and a nitra-zorb bag will prevent this from happening again.

How many times did you test the water?

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Prime shouldn't alter your ph. I use it when doing waterchange everyday.

Could it be your test kit is faulty?

Best way to get rid of nitrate is big water change. Make sure that the water you are putting in have the same PH and temperature if you are doing massive waterchange. hth



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Look on the sera fert label and see if it is designed to produce nitrate. Most nitrates are pretty soluble and will leach into the water. Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish but nitrate is needed by your plants, you just have more than they are using and I suspect it is from your added fertilizer. Water changes and use by plants will get rid of it. It may pay to reduce the light until you sort it out or you could get a massive algae bloom.

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