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Skimmer test , Beckett


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its american made isnt it?

It’s made in Germany by Klaus Jansen. Cost about the same as a Deltec.

Best made skimmer I have seen. The pumps are modified lagunas.

So funny how on reef central they are going on about BK, Deltec etc.

I have been using Deltec for over 7-8 years and only know are they using them. The Deltec skimmers are still the same as they have not changed much. Pretty old technology.

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Dear Reef,

I guess that the beckett skimmer you have currently is from Ocean Werx.

From the pictures that you've posted, my suggestion is that you still need to tune down the air intake. The bubbles created are way too large for my liking as well.

Secondly, raise the water level in the skimmer. As we can all see, the skimmer is creating reasonable foaming (obviously yellowish / brownish foam awaiting to be expelled out from the neck), but the water level is set too low. You will only get dirty and muddy neck, which on the other hand is also skimmate (just much thicker, smellier and more messy)

I agree that with a quick release, the collection cup can be removed easily. However, you are not required to undo all the thumbscrews to remove the collection cup. The recommendation is usually to loosen the thumbscrews and twist the collection cup. The keyhole flanges are specially designed to allow this function.

As for the air vent that you've suggested, it is not really necessary. The drainage size is specifically chosen to provide sufficient allowance for the air to escape without compromising on the skimmer's performance.

The whole reaction chamber of the beckett skimmer is fully utilised for extended reaction time. We had been contemplating on whether to re-design the beckett skimmer to prevent micro-bubbles from escaping. But upon weighing the pros and cons, we rather advise Ocean Werx beckett skimmer users to prepare more buffers in the sump to minimise the micro-bubbles.

Really appreciate your time to do up this review and finally post some pictures as well. From the way I look at it, a porche still needs a good driver (whether or not they are ugly).

PS: never knew that a BK is so cheap in NZ, or is deltec really that expensive there. In Singapore, the cheapest BK is standing at the top at around SGD$3,000 while a Deltec AP702 is only SGD$2150 or lesser. http://www.eaquanature.com

Not too sure if my comparision is appropriate though.

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need to tune down the air intake.

I have done that, closed the air tap then slowly opened it to get the smallest bubbles.

I would say that the larger bubbles are caused by the water inside the beckett venturi. Looks like I have micro bubbles going into it.

Secondly, raise the water level in the skimmer.

Yep, did this last night

The drainage size is specifically chosen to provide sufficient allowance for the air to escape

That would be ok if the drain was used; I only use the cup to collect so the air cant vent thus reducing the foam.

I will post more pics once the skimmers work in.

I do have a few suggestions which could improve the becket.

Have you thought of designing a recirculating beckett similar to the Deltec? Never seem any reciculating becketts

We don’t Sell BK in New Zealand as there is no market for too many skimmers.

I compared similar size BK skimmers with the Deltecs and they are similar in pricing.

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I have to agree with Chimara regarding the honesty and reliability of this test you clearly are not running the skimmer properly.

Most of your comments are related to the skimmer itself not the Beckett.

What are you comparing here?

The Becket?

The ability of the skimmer manufacturer to make a skimmer for a Beckect?

Or your Knowledge of how to run either of the above.

My $100 dollar Kare's skimmer that I bought ten years ago with a 1280 on it runs better than that without tuning it.

To test a beckett you first have to find the best skimmer/Becket combination because without that being done first this thread is just pointless propaganda which will only be of benifit to you.

I Know this thread is your's but one thing that bothers me about this forum is that it allows vendors to promote thier products freely in other peoples threads and you do this alot.

I'm more use to forums were the rules state that vendor talk is to be kept in the vendor section only like this forum that I have been part of for years www.rcgroups.com

This forum always becomes a sales pitch for vendors and you are the most common, not a forum for people without an agender to discuss things and I think that is wrong and should not be allowed to happen.

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have to agree with Chimara regarding the honesty and reliability of this test you clearly are not running the skimmer properly.

Please state clearly how I am running the skimmer incorrectly.??

I will tell you a secret. I am confidant that I would have more of a clue how to run a skimmer than most people would.

Most people on this forum talk total crap and most of them are newbie’s that have only been in the hobby for less than a few years.

At least I have tried most equipment and have plenty of anecdotal proof that I know what am doing.

Like I said lets see some proof that you can walk the talk.. I have not seen any.

Don’t see me posting crap as I make sure that I know what I am going on about.

first this thread is just pointless propaganda which will only be of benifit to you.

I recall when i started the test i did not mention any product .

I quess you would prefer that we follow your old methods of reef keeping as all your ideas are from the 60s.

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I recall when i started the test i did not mention any product .

Yes you did "Beckett" is a product.

I quess you would prefer that we follow your old methods of reef keeping as all your ideas are from the 60s.

Don’t see me posting crap as I make sure that I know what I am going on about.

For someone who claims to know more than most here and to make sure he knows what he is talking about you should know that Turf scrubbers were developed in the mid 80's not the 60's as you have stated.

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