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Skimmer test , Beckett


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well i for one would like to see pics of your setup no matter how messy they might be.

still waiting to see joeblogs' tank and many other tanks as well.

my tank is still very dissorderly and in no way what i would deem acceptable but i still put up some pics to show people.

people are always going to be negative or bash but thats life.

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I don't think anyone is ever happy with there tank 100% We have our wins and loses? You know its like the models who so the are fat etc when they are fine. We are always finding faults our self but its good to post and be able to put a tank to the name. I think every tank Ive seen on here has improved in the last year from what Ive seen so we must all be learning right? Im pretty open and know I have alot to learn and have got so much good advice from reading the post on the site. ( Hey you guys who run this site awsome job :wink: ) So relax share and injoy the ride we can learn and you can learn Win Win

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colour of skimmate would be the worst possible judge of a skimmers

I doubt it. Colour of skimate is a good judge, especially when I have many skimmers to compare it with.

Any skimmer can skim dry, but a good skimmer will do it over a much shorter period.

Sorry I didn't know you new anything about my skimmers

Proof is in the pudding. Tank pics would help to show credibility.???

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I doubt it. Colour of skimate is a good judge, especially when I have many skimmers to compare it with.

Any skimmer can skim dry, but a good skimmer will do it over a much shorter period.

sorry but in that post you both agree and dissagree, which is it.

is it the colour of the skimmate or the quantity of DOC that the skimmer can pull out that makes a good skimmer

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sorry but in that post you both agree and dissagree, which is it.

Colour of skimate is a good judge. i said doubt it to your comment.

Also said that it is the time frame it takes. so dark skimate over a short period is better than dark skimate over a long period

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its all about which can remove the most DOC the fastest

Thats the point, if it is dark over a short period then my theory is that it must be taking out more than a skimmer removing twice as much clear colour skimate.

Jetski wrote

i prefer the Deltec just not the price

Why is that. ? first you claimed that they were made in China, then you said they were copies of H&S. and not well known in Germany.

Sounds Defamatory to me.

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well i for one would like to see pics of your setup no matter how messy they might be.

Just picture a 6'x2'x18" with hardly any life in it that hasn't had a water change in 8 months, I think the overgrown higher forms of algee are doing half of the work because everything has stayed healthy which they should not be. The SPS that I got from Layton at the Christchurch meeting is still doing well.

Now that my wife is getting Botox injections every 3 months for her pain our high medical bills will be going down and I will have more time to get things back to normal with my tanks because she wont be living in hospital as much and can look after the kids more.

I will also be redoing a tank with an Algae turf scrubber.


Colour only determines what is being pulled.

The darkness of the colour is caused by how dense it is which in most cases means that it has been wrung out which can leave other stuff behind.

It is the same as a centrifuge, you should remove all of what has seperated not just the dence stuff at the end of the test tube.

if it is dark over a short period then my theory is that it must be taking out more than a skimmer removing twice as much clear colour skimate.

No it means you have wrung half of what you need to remove out of it and only removed the heavier material

Yes pulling it out quickly is the answer but all of it must be pulled out.

The fact of two identical skimmers in the same system yet tuned differantly proves the point if the wet one is still pulling when the dry one has stopped regardless of your opinion of my skimmers.

It is simple physics.

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Just picture a 6'x2'x18" with hardly any life in it that hasn't had a water change in 8 months, I think the overgrown higher forms of algee are doing half of the work because everything has stayed healthy which they should not be. The SPS that I got from Layton at the Christchurch meeting is still doing well.

i guess thats the answer we all knew would come! same old same old!!!

lots of opinion's but little else to show.

"my system is just so much better with the way i do thinks, but i just can't show you any proof because its a secret, no camera, nothing in it, overgrown with algae, been studying so hard, tank is in another part of the world, haven't got time to take a picture and the list goes on and on." Yeah right. brianemone puts up pic's of his very immature new tank without any problems!

i would say that most here would like to see a photo of your 6*2*18" myself included preferably with your sps and any other corals / setup.

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i guess thats the answer we all knew would come! same old same old!!!

Then why ask.

lots of opinion's but little else to show.

I'm sorry if my current lack of funds from having to leave my job to look after my kids, due to my sick wife who spends most of her life in hospital is so inconveneint for you. get over it.


my system is just so much better with the way i do thinks,

Please feel free to show me where I said this.

but i just can't show you any proof because its a secret,

If you had a design that could be worth putting a Pateint on would you be thick enougth to show it to everyone, sorry I'm not that stupid.

no camera,

Only a video but I will get one

nothing in it, overgrown with algae,

Sorry have I not stated this enougth for you would you like me to say it again.

been studying so hard,

Yes I can say that I no more about my wifes condition than all of the doctors in this country put together.

tank is in another part of the world,

Most likely where I will post my tank setups when I do it if the attitude of people in this forum doesn't change.

haven't got time to take a picture and the list goes on and on." Yeah right. brianemone puts up pic's of his very immature new tank without any problems!

My life is hard enougth having to deal with a wife who lives with the constant feeling like someone repeatably stabing her in her blader without having to listen to this sort of ignorant crap. It's cauld "interstitial cystitis". Look it up on the internet, you might learn something and pray that you never develope it because there is no cure.

The first thing I said in this post was related to the topic. the result was to have the design of my skimmers attacked by Reef who hasn't got a clue as to how they work or compare to, as he put it, top performing skimmers.

When I first joined this forum I shared my experience and knowledge of what I had done previously with algae turf filters which I clearly stated were not running anymore, yet was still asked to show and abused for even suggesting that they worked by people who have never used one and most likely still know nothing about them.

Nice welcome to the forum thanks for nothing. I am still being abused for not showing them today.

I decided that it would be a waste of time posting here unless the attitude changed.

With this sort of attitude still continuing in this forum what makes you think that I would want to post here.

If things stay the same here I will Just put a link in to were it is.

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like i said same old same old. do as i say, believe what i say. i have great stuff that works but can't prove it. just bringing it up to "tell you" that mine is just better. yeah right!!!

hey i have dendronepthia spawning, as well as gorgonians but can't show because its a secret. oh and i can't borrow a camera from anybody because there are so few around. (no wait i don't have any friends).

have a good new year and all the best to your wife.

(it wasn't even obvious from your last posts that you still had a reef tank? last i heard it was just a very small tank that belongs to your daughter with a couple clownfish in it?)

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Word of the day - catharsis. :)

For some of us this is achieved through our neat SW tanks - others its through this website. Sometimes both!

Its having a release from the crap life throws at you whether this is enjoying something like neat SW fish, venting your spleen on a forum, or sharing both of the previous with others...

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CanadaReef, They are scarce around here, I may be wrong but suspect you will have to import one.

Someone could have one laying around though.

BTW I think there is something in the air in Christchurch that makes some people unable to take a pic of their tank.

Control, we are here to share and help each other, if you were prepared to show your skimmer you will likely get some tips how to improve it, so you can get rid of the algae.

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